Ohm's Law - Ohm's/Watt's Law: calulate any 2 unknown values given 2 known valuesResistors: Calculate bands given value or value given bands. For 3,4, & 5 band resistorsPlease report bugs via "send email to developer" link below** recent update/download issues are an Android Market bug
Ohms Law Calculator for Android Tablet - provides the best way to calculate Voltage, Current, Resistance and Power. Accurate Calculations and Conversions with every Unit and Value Change. Formulas and Definitions are provided with all calculators.
Ohms Law Calculator includes 4 following modules
Sales Calculator for eCommerce - This app allows individuals and businesses to quickly calculate their total invoice based on factors such as price, quantity,
shipping, tax and discounts. Any given input that produces an output field will be displayed immediately, saving time and
efficiency for ecommerce invoice creators
The Pi Calculator (CPU Test) - CPU performance computing App for Android phones/tablets. It works by computing decimal digits of Pi. For example: calculate 50000 digits of Pi means computing to 50,000 decimal places of Pi
RealCalc Scientific Calculator - Android's #1 Scientific Calculator. A fully featured scientific calculator which looks and operates like the real thing.
Looking for fractions? Degrees/minutes/seconds? Landscape mode? You need RealCalc Plus. See elsewhere on this page for the link, or select 'Upgrade' from the RealCalc menu
Golden Ratio Calculator allows you to input a total width value and have it be split in the golden ratio. Perfect for designers who are looking for spacing information, or anyone interested in the divine proportion
BetCalculator - Trading calculator, calculate surebets (arbitrage bets calculator), change from back to lay odds and vice versa, change from EU (decimal odds) to UK (fractional) Odds and and vice versa, change from US / America odds (Moneyline) to EU odds and vice versa, dutch calculator, check value, calculate fair odds - all this in one app!
It's all easy to use
Click Counter is a simple Tally Counter application.
Just press the volume up button to increase counter.
Counter value will last until pressing reset button
Alcohol Price By Volume Calculator is a simple calculator for Android phones that will tell you how much "pure" alcohol is in a drink and how much it costs per unit. The idea was to make it quick-and-easy to compare two bottles of differing price and percentage alcohol while in the store