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Power Point Voice Remote

Power Point Voice Remote
Version: 1.0

Platforms: Android

Categories: Business & Profession

Upload date: 16 Jun 17

Developer: Kostadin Tonev

License: Freeware

Downloads: 10447

File Size: 373 Kb
Download Free Power Point Voice Remote 

Rating: 3.2/5 (Total votes: 33)

  Power Point Voice Remote - This application turn your Android device into Wifi voice remote control for your presentations!


Download ANY APP SERVER on a computer you want to control presentations remotely and run it. Be sure that the server is allowed to use network communication! Get the server IP address and the port number which you can find on the server screen. Then go to HOME screen on this application, push MENU button of your device and select SETTINGS. Now fill server IP address and port number in the corresponding fields. Save settings, go back and push again MENU button, then select CONNECT. If everything is done right you will see a message on the server screen: "Android device is connected!" Now you are ready to use your Android device.


After you are successfully connected to the remote server you can start using POWER POINT VOICE REMOTE. By default voice mode is loaded. Simply tap on the microphone and start speaking. Say "START APPLICATION" or "START" and selected presentation will be started. To go next slide say "NEXT SLIDE" or "NEXT". To go previous slide say "PREVIOUS SLIDE" or "PREVIOUS" or "GO BACK". To stop current presentation slideshow say "STOP PRESENTATION" or "STOP". To quit POWER POINT application say "QUIT APPLICATION" or "QUIT". POWER POINT VOICE REMOTE supports touch mode too. To switch to it push MENU button and then select "SWITCH TO TOUCH MODE". Now you can use your fingers to control presentations by pushing the START, NEXT, PREVIOUS, STOP and QUIT buttons.

· This free app is ad supported and may contain ads in the notification tray and/or home screen.

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Supported operating systems: Google Android 1.6, Google Android 10.x, Google Android 2.0, Google Android 2.1, Google Android 2.2, Google Android 2.3, Google Android 3.0, Google Android 3.1, Google Android 3.2, Google Android 4.0, Google Android 4.1, Google Android 4.2, Google Android 4.3, Google Android 4.4, Google Android 5.x, Google Android 6.x, Google Android 7.x, Google Android 8.x, Google Android 9.x
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Comments on Power Point Voice Remote:

Downloaded app...i see six sites of it with all its menues and functions ottons , but no moving when touching it.P

Date: 30 Oct 22



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Power Point Voice Remote is compatible with your device ZTE Grand Era U985 / V985
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