World News - This application allows you to enjoy the world popular newspapers and magazines on your Android smartphone, free of charge. Specifically designed to utilize the features and navigation of the Android.
Newspapers include:
· CNN News
· BBC News
· Reuters News
· The Wall Street Journal
· USA Today
· Yahoo News
Magazines include:
· Wired
· Newsweek
· FastCompany
· The Economist
· TIME Magazine
· Image size adjustment to your phone screen automatically.
· Sharing news content to SNS (Twitter, Facebook, Blog..), Email, and SMS.
· Support Swipe Screen Navigation, you can use Gesture to navigate previous/next news
· Support Android 7 inch Tablet
· Support Multi-Touch (Android 2.1 above)
· Zoom control on news content
· Text Size Setting
What's New in This Release:
· To fix NY Times not able to read issue
What's New in 0.3.2:
· Add refresh function
What's New in 0.3.1:
· Fix USA Today AD appear issue
What's New in 0.2.8:
· Improved news loading performance
What's New in 0.3.2:
· Support Android 2.3.3
· Add ChangeLog and welcome message
· Jsoup upgrade to 1.5.1
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Supported operating systems:
Google Android 1.6, Google Android 10.x, Google Android 2.0, Google Android 2.1, Google Android 2.2, Google Android 2.3, Google Android 3.0, Google Android 3.1, Google Android 3.2, Google Android 4.0, Google Android 4.1, Google Android 4.2, Google Android 4.3, Google Android 4.4, Google Android 5.x, Google Android 6.x, Google Android 7.x, Google Android 8.x, Google Android 9.x
Similar Software: Acceda al universo de desde su movil Android. La gran oferta del portal lider mundial en espanol: la mejor informacion a traves de noticias, fotos y videos y los servicios mas utiles, GuiaTV, Tiempo, Marcadores
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Artibonite Info Artibonite Info: Toute laˆactualita de l'Artibonite en Multimedia
US Weekly US Weekly - provides breaking celebrity news blog, exclusive photos, red carpet galleries from premieres and events, plus games, videos, quizzes and polls. 'US Weekly' is designed to provide all android users with hot celebrity news, fashion and photos from
nookReader nookReader - gReader is an application to format Google Reader items for reading on the nook.
For gReader to operate successfully, you need a file named 'reader.settings' in a '/system/media/sdcard/.settings/' directory (you'll need to create '.settings') which contains your username on the first line, and your password on the second line
Patrika Hindi News Patrika Live News for your Android Device. Latest news update for you anytime, anywhere. This free App gives you the flexibility and ease of reading Hindi News from Patrika Publications on your mobile
Slashdot Headlines Slashdot Headlines - All the news published on Slashdot available on your Android device.
Headlines and latest news from Slashdot (Non-Official App)
News for nerds. Stuff that matters.
Powered by FeedGoal, a free opensource feed reader for Android.
What's New in This Release:
· User preferences cloud backup.
· Optimizations.
· Bug fixes
Buddha Voice Buddha Voice - An Android Buddha Box to give you peace and love
Quick Translate Quick Translate - A lightweight language translation tool. Use the Google Translate service to translate between language pairs.
· 50+ language translation
City Trends City Trends - City Trends helps you find out what's hot trending in the cities. You will know what's happening around the world quickly.
· Lookup 50+ cities hot trends.
· Long press to search Trends in Google, Bing or Twitter.
· Click to search trends in Twitter