AsthmaCheck is the App for perfectly monitoring your asthma. You can suffer from asthma. Or you can have it under control. Scientific studies show that the health problems faced by asthma sufferers can be almost completely brought under control with careful monitoring
Attention Deficit Disorder - It causes depression, inattentiveness, relationship and behavorial problems, deviant behavior (crime), can lead to drug abuse, alcoholism and even suicide. To better understand this disorder and correct it
Audio Book - Diets - "Eat healthy to prevent seeing the doctor", we all have heard this before, but isn''t all food healthy? All food is healthy, but not everything is needed by your body
Version 1.0.1 Bug Fixes: - Programs can now be properly deleted after Post Test completion For over 55 years, Audio Digest has provided the most convenient way to stay up to date on current, relevant, and unbiased scientific and clinical information
Autism Spectrum - Though a lot of factors relates to autism such as genes, vaccines and parenting, they are just correlation which does not actually pinpoint a cause
Autism Symptoms - Children with autism have a difficult time communicating their wants and needs within their environment, as well as, expressing their feelings, ideas, and thoughts logically through verbal communication
Awesome Mental Health Resources - Nearly every person could benefit from mental health therapy,but it can be terribly expensive.Thankfully, there’s a whole world of free help available to help you with just about every issue, whether kicking an addiction,managing emotions,finding a group of like-minded peers,or recovering from trauma
Baby Basics (Ad Supported) - Get the Baby Basics today!
This is the Ad supported Version of Baby Basics!
The Baby Basics will help you in ensuring that your child is provided adequate periodic health care supervision and will help promote your child's optimal physical, emotional, and intellectual growth and development
A boy or a girl, a girl or a boy - this question of course tormented every person who was planning to get a child or was waiting for his appearance to this world. The supplement *Baby-boom* will save you from any doubts