iSiloX converts content to the iSilo document format for reading with iSilo.
What's New in This Release:
Version 5.18 adds the following new features:
· Added support for generating registration codes keyed to the device ID.
· Added support for generating 18-character extended registration codes.
Version 5.18 addresses the following issues:
· List items that use an alphabetic numbering style results in incorrect lettering starting from Z.
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Supported operating systems:
Google Android 1.5, Google Android 1.6, Google Android 10.x, Google Android 2.0, Google Android 2.1, Google Android 2.2, Google Android 2.3, Google Android 3.0, Google Android 3.1, Google Android 3.2, Google Android 4.0, Google Android 4.1, Google Android 4.2, Google Android 4.3, Google Android 4.4, Google Android 5.x, Google Android 6.x, Google Android 7.x, Google Android 8.x, Google Android 9.x, Palm OS 3.x, Palm OS 4.x, Palm OS 5.x, Pocket PC 2002, RIM BlackBerry OS 3.x, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.1, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.2, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.3, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.5, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.6, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.7, RIM BlackBerry OS 5.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 6.0, S60 3rd Edition, S60 3rd Edition FP1, S60 3rd Edition FP2, S60 5th Edition, S80 6.0, S80 7.0, S90 7.0, UIQ 3.0, UIQ 3.1, WinCE.Net 3.0, WinCE.Net 4.0, WinCE.Net 5.0, WinCE.Net 6.0, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Standard
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