BSAVA Formulary 7th Edition - The BSAVA Small Animal Formulary is the essential reference guide for drug use in small animal practice. This App contains more than 450 drug monographs and a wealth of additional information, allowing easy and rapid access to vital information about those medications that veterinary surgeons most commonly prescribe
BEIKS Pocket Guide to Medications for Android - The Pocket Guide to Common Medications dictionary for Android, gives quick and convenient access to important information on common medications to mobile users.
Each monograph is written in lay yet informational language to provide helpful insights for patients taking medications
Pneumotox - There is a continuing increase in the number of drugs that may damage the respiratory system, and the clinical pattern of involvement from drugs is varied.
This application includes generic names for drugs and clinical or radiologic patterns of involvement
Handy, searchable reference to 2008 Emergency Response Guide. Cargo Decoder is your guide to what is in the truck or tanker next to you on the highway. Enter the 4 digit number from the DOT placard to learn about a material. See details from the 2008 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG 2008)
Consulta a Classificacao Internacional de Doencas (CID-10) na palma de sua mao A consulta a Classificacao Internacional de Doencas - CID 10 - na palma de sua mao! Destinado a area medica e aos profissionais da saude afins, provem acesso pratico e conveniente a versao 2008 da CID-10
Doctor On Move - Patient records and their medical history at your fingertips. No more carrying of laptop/computers. This App enables doctors to maintain patient records on their mobile device. This is not only useful for doctors working in remote areas and combat zones, but also for doctors maintaining their own private clinic during off hours
Breastfeeding info - Breastfeeding is the feeding of an infant or young child with breast milk directly from female human breasts (i.e., via lactation) rather than from a baby bottle or other container. Babies have a sucking reflex that enables them to suck and swallow milk