Flu - This Health Application covers
=> Symptoms,
=> When to see a doctor
=> Causes
=> Home remedies
=> Medical treatment
=> Tests for detection
=> How to prevent it
All essential information to know about Disease and there prevention
Food additives (E numbers) - Nowadays the structure of the majority of the foodstuff includes different additives (E numbers). Many of them are harmful for human organism. This Android application provides you with detailed information about each food additive and makes the choice of the goods while purchasing easier
Food Poisoning - This Health Application covers
=> Symptoms,
=> When to see a doctor
=> Causes
=> Home remedies
=> Medical treatment
=> Tests for detection
=> How to prevent it
All essential information to know about Disease and there prevention
Foot Massage Tips - There's no better way to treat a friend or loved one than to give their sore feet a wonderful foot massage.
Learn herre how to give a foot massage.
Follow the tips to learn the basic techniques
Guide Homeopathie - Homeopathie.Com vous propose les fiches de son site disponible a la consultation sans connexion a internet.
Cree par le docteur Hahnemann au 18eme siecle, l'homeopathie est une methode therapeutique qui vise a soigner l'etre humain en lui administrant des doses infinitesimales de remedes entierement naturels
Gupt Rog - This app is made for describing Sexual Disease(Gupt Rog) in detail.
people will fill bad or shy to explain and discuss about their Sexual disease.We are developing Gupt Rog(Sexual disease) Application to understand and get knowledge sbout treatment of disease.
Everybody have to discuss this kind of Disease and they should never ignore this disease otherwise
Health Guide: FirstAid Lite - Heal Guide: FirstAid is an handy app that you should have just in case.
This app contains over 40 first aid cases for you read and explorer. All the causes contain symptoms, causes and treatment.
All this information is arranged in an innovative manner