tGetFile.dll-Microsoft has provided a restricted File Dialog for Pocket PCs and Palm-size PCs. The dialog can open files only under the "My Documents".
tGetFile.dll is an alternative File Dialog which does not have this restriction. With tGetFile.dll installed, Tillanosoft PocketNotepad or such programs that support tGetFile
Reboot PokeP is a Today plugin which allows you to reboot your Windows Mobile 5.0 device by tapping on icon. Once the installation is complete, you will need to add 'Reboot PokeP' icon to Today's screen by following these steps:
- From 'Start' menu, select 'Settings'.
- In 'Settings' screen, tap on 'Personal' tab.
- Tap on 'Today' icon
WR-Tools ResInfo shows the most important system resources of a Windows CE device, in a tab control dialog box as well as in the notification area of the menu bar.
The Tool informs about battery life, program and storage memory, largest files and databases, processor usage, allocation of non-volatile storage media, all executed processes and their visible main windows
HButton allows you to assign unlimited number of applications to one hardware button on your device.
HButton is, and will be, FREEWARE. You can use it without any payments or limitations
Usage is very simple. If you press and hold button on which HButton is assigned, names of selected applications will be shown in given order
DeviceInfo - The screenshot is worth a thousand words. This software takes up little room and can be copied to your storage card.
It displays the CLR (Common Language Runtime), OS (Operating System), Preset ID, and Platform ID
SKTools (Supports WM5/WM6) - Powerfull maintenance toolkit. Cleaning the registry and the file system, FreeUP RAM, other methods of system maintenance and much more..
PowerTap - Do you fumble around for the power switch on your Pocket PC? Is it hidden by a case or a sleeve? This handy utility lets you turn your Pocket PC off right from your screen.
Ilium Software presents: PowerTap - a power-off program for your Pocket PC