Don't Steal My Phone is a software you install on your Windows Mobile phone. Once setup, you'll forget about it. It will consume only 100kb of Flash, and no memory.
If so, your phone get lost or stolen, then you'll congratulate yourself for having installed this software
SmartProtect Mobile Anti Theft Protection Software - This software protects your phone from thieves and helps you track and recover your phone once stolen or lost. And the best of all, it's free. Features includes :
1. This mobile software automatically checks for SIM Registration
Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) - This is mainly an auto locking program which utilizes the Windows Locking for partial locking (phone related keys are active) or complete locking (no keys are active)
Micro LMTS Lite (Pocket PC) is a technologically advanced Lost Mobile Tracking System. This tracking security software can be installed in your mobile to protect it from mobile thieves or even prevent it from getting lost. Its innovative features enable the user to track the missing mobile using the SIM number, after it's lost or stolen
Cipher Notepad can be used to encipher and decipher short texts using these common ciphers:
* Atbash
* Caesar box
* Caesar shift
* Enigma machine
* Gronsfeld
* ROT13
* ROT47
* Vigenere
This program is for leisure use only
Password Safe is a .NET 2.0 Windows Mobile application that allows you to keep your passwords in your mobile secured with the top secure AES encryption. It provides a nice touch surface with gestures, and can be completely used without a stylus, except when you're writing or editing new passwords
InCall Lock will temporarily disable Send (aka Talk, Green) and End (aka Red) hardware buttons when you receive an incoming call in order to prevent accidental call pickups/rejects while you are pulling your mobile device out of your pocket. All other hardware buttons are untouched
SmartProtect helps you track and recover your phone once stolen or lost.
Features includes:
1. A Thief or Lost Prevention Software with SMS Auto-Responder and GPS Capability created for Windows Mobile Devices.