"Bible Reference" - This NEW Modern English Version of "Bible Reference" Containing whole books of THE NEW TESTAMENT.
Very Useful for Bible Study with the Modern English Version. Now, The New Testament is available in your Pocket and ready to Study instantly, with Prayer.
This Study Guide has got rich features like
Go to Verse - Study Directly your Favorite "Verse" from any "Book" , any "Chapter".
Go to Books - Choose through the Books in order from this THE NEW TESTAMENT.
Book Mark - Bookmark your Favorite "Book" or "Chapter" or "Verse". You can open the chosen bookmark instantly.
Bible Reference by EMCON EMSYS TECHNOLOGIES, a quick way to Study The Bible!
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NASB - New American Standard Bible for Pocket PC BibleReader™ and NASB for your Pocket PC PDA is a full featured Bible reading and study application
Now you can have all your Bibles and Bible study reference materials available to you wherever you go
ASV - American Standard Version for Pocket PC ASV - American Standard Version for Pocket PC - BibleReader™ for your Pocket PC PDA is a full featured Bible reading and study application
Now you can have all your Bibles and Bible study reference materials available to you wherever you go
BibleLink 2.0 KJV Suite (PPC) BibleLink 2.0 KJV Suite (PPC) - All New for 2005: BibleLink 2.0 KJV Suite!
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