Savegame Manager GX R119
Wii homebrew developer dj_skual has updated his backup manager known as Savegame Manager GX to a new version. This update has eliminated several bugs and also has some new features. New features include 2 new classes for NAND and Tools and the addition of Mii: Fix db at the startup which fixes some files
ModMii 5.2.1
An update from Wii homebrew developer XFlak who released an update to ModMii bringing this to version 5.2.1. ModMii was formerly known ast Auto Downloader NUS and it lets you get your SD card ready in a simple and automatic fashion. This will get you ready to softmod your Wii. XFlak has fixed a bug that prevented download of DML to create an emulated NAND
Quake Rev PAK r1
Wii homebrew developer Izhido has released version 1 of the Quake Rev Pak.A This is an interface that includeds the various Quake engines that are available for the Wii and was developed using devkitPPC toolchain
Bolt ThrowerMobile Gaming, WiiVersion: 0.62 Upload date: 5 Mar 12 Tags: Games
Bolt Thrower
Wii Homebrew developer Titmouse has released version 0.62 of the shooter Bolt Thrower for the Nintendo Wii. This release includes several bug fixes from previous versions. If you like space shooters then you should check out Bolt Thrower
The Jarred Mind 3
PS3 and Wii homebrew developer ThatOtherPerson is back at it again.A This time he has released his homebrew game The Jarred Mind for the Nintendo Wii.A The graphics are excelent and the game is a lot of fun.A This port for the Wii includes motion controls and a textured floor utilizing the Death Candy tiled wallpaper created by CherieNoir
FCE Ultra GXMobile Gaming, WiiVersion: 3.2.9 Upload date: 5 Mar 12 Tags: Games
Wii homebrew developer Tantric has updated the NES emulator know as FCE Ultra GX to version 3
WiiMednafenMobile Gaming, WiiVersion: 0.1.1 Upload date: 5 Mar 12 Tags: Games
Wii developer Raz0red has updated the port of the cross platform emulator WiiMednafen to version 0.1.1 for the Wii.A View the changelog below.
"0.1.1 - January 27, 2012
Minor update from 0
Hero CityMobile Gaming, WiiVersion: 0.5 Upload date: 5 Mar 12 Tags: Games
Hero City
ThatOtherPerson aka the Wii and PS3 homebrew dev king has updated his 3D game Hero City to version 0.5. Get ready to rid the city of robots, monsters and zombies. ThatOTherPerson has updated some textures as well as made some other tweaks to the way players turn and the placement of some of the monsters. View the full changelog at the source
Quake Rev PAK r2
Wii homebrew developer Izhido released revision 2 for the Quake Rev PAK. This is an easy interface that combines the different Quake engines already available for the Nintendo Wii. Izhido released the following statement regarding revision 2
The Catachthonic
ThatOtherPerson is back at it again and has released The Catachthonic version 0.9. This was formerly called "Something" and is 3D project in which you operate in an environment variable. ThatOtherPerson had the following to say about The Catachthonic