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Achivx Partner

Version: 1.5.8 updated

Platforms: Pocket PC

Categories: Travel & Navigation

Upload date: 14 Mar 13

Developer: Ag IT

License: Shareware

Price: 199.95 $

Downloads: 893

File Size: 2165 Kb

Download Free Trial of AgMapper 

Rating: 2.8/5 (Total votes: 38)

  AgMapper - Create maps using your Windows Mobile device. Measure lengths and view areas without the desktop PC.
AgMapper makes it easy to map what ever you like and share it with other software packages by using the very common shape file format (.shp) to store your mapping data.
Load images onto your map created using the FREE AgMapper Image Converter.
Great For :
- Farm planning/mapping
- Recording favourite hunting, riding tracks/spots
- Bushwalking/trecking
- Any activity where you would like to record where you have been, measure those areas & distances and easily share that information with other software packages
- Extremely easy to use
- Modes:
» Live Mapping - Create your maps using the GPS
» Draw - Manually draw lines & polygons
» View - View existing .shp files
» Measure - Measure areas and distances
» Compass - Electronic compass mode
» GoTo - Navigate your way back to important locations
- Displays maps & imagery
- All mapping information is stored in the open file format .SHP Shape files. Transfer of mapping data from and to AgMapper is simple.
- Custom designed Layer & Layer Group manager.
- Custom view manager, select multiple layers with one screen tap!
- nth Precision Position Offsetting (left & right)
- Metric or U.S. systems for measurements
- Electronic Compass
- No limit to the number of map or way point layers loaded
- Most of the worlds datum and grid systems supported
AgMapper Image Converter
The AgMapper Image Converter is a free utility to create files that are automatically imported into the AgMapper GPS mapping software on the Pocket PC.
AgMapper Image Converter takes an image and embeds the coordinates as well as the image into a single file for extremely easy importing into AgMapper on the Windows Mobile device.
The Image Converter can be found in your Start/Programs/AgMapper menu after installing the AgMapper software.
Using AgMapper Image Converter:
To start, you will need:
1. An image, supported formats are: BPM, JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, GIF
2. The co-ordinates for the top left (North West) & bottom right (South East) of the image in
Longitude & Latitude (Decimal Degrees, or Degrees, Minutes & Seconds), or Eastings & Northings
Supported Datums & Grids can be viewed here.
World files wilbe detected (*.jgw, *.bpw & *.tfw) and the option to extract coords from these files will be given.
1. Select the image to be converted
2. Select the datum type being used
3. Enter the co-ordinates for the North West & South East of the image
4. Click the 'Create AgMapper Map' button
5. You will then have a file in the same directory as the original image with the same name and the extension '.MapLib'
6. This image needs to be copied over to the Windows Mobile device and placed into your Maps directory.
You can then add the image to your map using the Layers / Select Image option, or add the image to a view
- Those users owning Fairport Farm Software mapping software are able to export an image from their Fairport Farm Software mapping software, which will create an additional file with the extension .gpm. You will have the option to automatically extract the coodrinates for the image from this file after selecting your image.
· The AgMapper install is the full version of the software with the Save functionality disabled.

What's New in This Release:

· Fix: Unable to write to file. 'My Documents/AgMapper/log.txt' already in use.

What's New in 1.5.7:

· Fix: Adding way points whilst live mapping was causing multiple text entry screens to appear in some situations

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If you got an error while installing Themes, Software or Games, please, read FAQ.
Requirements: .NET Compact Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1

Supported operating systems: Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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Date: 8 Dec 13



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