The Traveller The Traveller - A complete travel guide of all destinations of the world.
Tourist places of all regions including USA , England , France , India , Australia , Latin America , Africa , Asia....and more.
festival times and visiting seasond.
updates related visa issues.
Photo bucket of famous destinatons
Muzikk Muzikk - This application allows user to listen through the latest musics ,lyrics and movie trailers on a one touch go.Music lovers here is all what you require to remain up-to-date to all songs,mp3 and videos
USA Now USA Now - Every latest news.
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Economic n Business news.
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Stock today Stock today - This Application gives updates about business and Stock market updates of all the major nations along with the
Equity shares report and currency Stream.
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best and the only app to provide such a wide variety of cities all over the world
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Fashion Tips from leading magazines as VOGUE,The GUARDIAN.
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