Handy Patients Pro - With the Handy patients program you can rapidly and professionally record all medical information about your patients, their evolution and the complementary examinations
This program recognizes your current location, from GPS Receiver, download the registered flu cases from the Internet database, and in case the closest flu was near your location, it will alert you by red screen and special sounds
Diabetic Diary records your self administerd Diabetic blood tests. It allows recording of as many tests per day as required. It can categorise them (e.g. Before mid-day meal After evening meal etc), and allows recording of up to three user-defined medications per test
Ep Detect is an accelerometer based mobile phone application that uses advanced signal processing to detect epileptic seizures. It runs on most mobile phones that support SMS messaging, movement detection and GPS position location
NeoBassinette is a new stand-alone (thanks to Basic4PPC!) NICU data collection tool. You can collect vitals, FEN, labs, respiratory settings, exam findings and plot them all for trends!
It is a work in progress and looking for feedback...
It is optimized for my own use but others may find it handy.
It starts a little slow, but runs well once it's loaded
DrinksDiary is a simple app to let you keep track of your alcohol intake. It calculates the number of units of alcohol in each drink and provides you with a daily total. You can also see summaries for previous weeks consisting of the weekly total and maximum number of units consumed in any one day
EMR Suite pre alpha build is a program for tracking patients, prescriptions, visits and labs results. Now has a Desktop Sync module, which can show the database contents and print them... To install, download the windows executable from here... Contains and the PocketPC installation
MyBlood - you can store your blood type, that of 10 relatives and 10 friends. In case of emergency you can call directly the donor from the program. There is a section on the compatibility of blood groups with a brief description. The software is in English