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Best Business & Profession Software for Voxtel W420
ENHANCEMENT PACK for Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5.0 Mobile Forex
Pocket Informant ShortCAD
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New Business & Profession Software for Voxtel W420
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MOBILedit! ForensicMOBILedit! Forensic Symbian OS, Pocket PC, Series 60, BlackBerry, Smartphone, Android, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple iPhone OS, Java Version: updated
Upload date: 23 Sep 14
Tags: Business & Profession, Science & Education
Shareware 399.00 $
MOBILedit! Forensic mobile phones contain some of the most important evidence in criminal investigations. Law enforcement agencies around the world need every possible advantage to help solve crimes. In many instances, mobile phones contain the important incriminating evidence that legal investigators require to solve a case
iSilo (Pocket PC)iSilo (Pocket PC) Pocket PC Version: 6.10 updated
Upload date: 31 Mar 13
Tags: Business & Profession, Reading
Shareware 19.99 $
iSilo displays formatted hyperlinked documents. Compression is 20% better than the Palm Doc format. Text formatting includes mixed size text, colored text, underlininig, italics, bold, subscript and superscript, fixed-width font, and more. Images can be compressed greyscale (1-bit/2-bit/4-bit) and color (8-bit/16-bit), large and scrollable, and intermixed with text
Timeo for Mobile - Lite EditionTimeo for Mobile - Lite Edition Pocket PC Version: 1.3.0 updated
Upload date: 24 Jan 13
Tags: Business & Profession, Organisation & Productivity
Timeo for Mobile is a time tracking application that enables to track, directly on your handheld, your working time, projects you work on and tasks you perform. Timeo is simple to use, with an intuitive and finger friendly interface to easily and quickly store the start or the end of a task. Many features (favorites, recent tasks list, pause button, resume button, ..
TreeviewTextsTreeviewTexts Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 19 Jan 13
Tags: Business & Profession
TreeviewTexts - TreeviewTexts allows you to create a structural tree with text files. For each node and subnode of the tree you can compose and edit a text file. The text files are stored in the '/TreeviewTexts/Texts' folder of your device. To view or edit a text file, simply tap on the note
TreeviewFoldererTreeviewFolderer Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 19 Jan 13
Tags: Business & Profession
TreeviewFolderer - TreeviewFolderer allows you to create a structural tree with folders. For each node and subnode of the tree the app will create a folder. You can use the built-in file explorer to add, delete or start the files in the folders. The folders are stored under the '/Treeviewfolderer/Folders' folder on your device
PIEExploreingPIEExploreing Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 20 Dec 12
Tags: Business & Profession
PIEExploreing - PIEExploreing allows you to view the files on your storage card in the default internet browser. To use the app, simply locate the file with the built-in file explorer and tap on it to open it in the web browser. Please note that not all file types can be displayed in the browser
RTFTexterRTFTexter Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 20 Dec 12
Tags: Business & Profession
RTFTexter - RTFTexter allows you to convert RTF files to text files. To use the app, locate the RTF file with the built-in file explorer, tap on it, type in the name for the text file, and the program will perform the conversion. The resulted text file can be also previewed in Pocket Word
RTFHtmlerRTFHtmler Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 20 Dec 12
Tags: Business & Profession
RTFHtmler - RTFHtmler allows you to convert RTF files to HTML files. To use the app, locate the RTF file with the built-in file explorer, tap on it, type in the name for the HTML file, and the program will perform the conversion. The resulted HTML page will be saved in the selected folder
AVIPicturerAVIPicturer Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 17 Nov 12
Tags: Business & Profession
AVIPicturer - AVIPicturer is a video creator for Windows Mobile. It allows you to convert a JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF or PNG image to a single frame of AVI video. To use the app, choose the desired picture and the number of seconds for the frame, and press the button. The program will then create the video frame
ImagerConverterFolderImagerConverterFolder Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 3 Nov 12
Tags: Business & Profession
ImagerConverterFolder - ImagerConverterFolder is a batch photo conversion utility for Windows Mobile. It allows you to convert all the pictures in a folder to JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF or PNG formats. To use the app, simply select the folder containing the images, and the desired format. Press the button to start the conversion
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Voxtel W420

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