GPSWM65Google uses GPS to find the closest 50 local businesses from 2,238 types of Yellow Pages entries sorted via distance. Tap the button to start the GPS and when you get a lock tap on it to view the list of local businesses. The GPS maps and business search service is provided by Google
TTSGpser - TTSGpser uses text-to-speech to tell you the current GPS coordinates.
To use the app, simply run it, wait for the program to get a GPS lock, and then press the button to hear your location spoken in a female voice.
The application uses Google's TTS engine
GPSWM65Yfrog is a GPS-based picture/video previewer and uploader. Set your Twitter username and password in the settings. Tap on a video or picture to play/preview it. When you tap the 'Upload' button the app will upload the video or picture to with a tweet on
GPSWM65Ruler uses GPS to find the distance between two points using "The Vincenty inverse formula for ellipsoids." (accuracy to within 0.5mm, or 0.000015"). Select 'Start GPS' to start the GPS and when you get a lock you can view your current location. Tap the button to save it and measure your distance. The map service is provided by Google
GPSWM65Mapping - GPSWM65Mapping is a full featured map downloader that uses GPS. You can enter the lat/long coordinates or use your current GPS location to download a map. You can download in GIF, PNG or JPEG format. The app has several options to customize the map. The map service is provided by Google
GPSWM65Voice creates GPS stamped wave files and displays them in an easy to use explorer interface. When you get a GPS lock, the app will display the wave files in order of distance to your current location. To re-play the wave file simply tap on it. The map service is provided by Google
GPSWM65Mapper uses GPS to find your current latitude/longitude/speed and altitude and allows you to view your position on a map from the maps service. You can customize the map's zoom and type via the 'Options' in the toolbar