PubChem Mobile - Search PubChem databases using chemical names, synonyms, and keywords
Keyword with options
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View compound biological property information
Rangkuman Fisika SMP ini merupakan aplikasi android yang memuat ringkasan beserta rumus-rumus fisika untuk pelajar SMP.
Mudah-mudahan dengan aplikasi ini, para pelajar dapat belajar dengan mudah kapan saja dan dimana saja.
Rangkuman Pelajaran fisika SMP ini disusun per bab
Rf & Microwave Toolbox Lite - A microwave toolkit for Android.
The Lite version includes the following tools:
1) PI and T attenuator
2) Reflectometer
3) Mismatch error limits
4) Capacitor Calculator
5) lcr parallel calculator
The normal version also includes microstrip, stripline, coplanar waveguide and many more..
The Elements Lite - Why carry a periodic table when you can have a Chemistry knowing machine? Have all the information you need and more in the palm of your hand. Contains all the information needed for your chemistry class and more. Perfect for high school or college
Tricorder - A simple tricorder simulator for Android powered phones, using real sensors to detect magnetic fields, gravity, etc. See the passing gravity wave from a distant collapsar on your phone screen (actual device sensitivity may be insufficient to detect gravity waves). Detect buried powerful magnets! Be a mega-geek! Etc
Wolfram Physics I Course Assistant for Android - Wolfram Physics I Course Assistant is a reference software designed for students attending Physics I courses.
The application will teach you physics concepts and help you solve specific problems.
The program is powered by the Wolfram|Alpha computational knowledge engine
Wolfram Physics II Course Assistant for Android - Wolfram Physics II Course Assistant is a reference software designed for students attending Physics II courses.
The application will teach you physics concepts and help you solve specific problems.
The program is powered by the Wolfram|Alpha computational knowledge engine