Listonic - the handy shopping list - A shopping list you can access from the internet (at and mobile phones (all major platforms).
By installing Listonic Mobile app you can manage all your shopping lists in a smart manner because:
- Always within arm's reach, there's no chance of forgetting or losing it
Shop Kurios - Hier konnen Sie in allen Produkten von Shop Kurios stobern, sich informieren und mit wenigen Klicks bestellen.
Unsere App bietet folgende Features:
- Da alle Funktionen klar strukturiert sind, bietet die App eine intuitive Navigation.
Schnelle Suche:
- Die Suche ist schnell, einfach und sehr prazise
DealExtreme Explorer - Explore the new arrival products from DealExtreme Website directly from your Windows Phone 7 device.
You can view all the products, view the details of a product and view the image directly from the application
Check marc (free) - Allows you to be able to store items (milk, bread, hammer, nails) along with a category (beverages, aisle
1). These items can then be used to create lists (grocery store, hardware store). When shopping, lists are stored by category for easy shopping. Items and lists are saved so they can be updated/reused in the future
WP7 Latest Free Downloads - Freeware Pocket PC Fee - Download free games and software for Windows Phone 7, view all the latest games and apps which are free using this app and you wont need to use the marketplace.
If you see double similar post, slide to "Info" tab and press settings, then delete local cache and it will be correct - NEW: on Windows Phone 7
Hand-picked designer products at the tap of a button: wherever you want, whenever you want.
- Don't miss a sale.
- A truly mobile shopping experience: In bed? On the bus? Access designer brands at irresistible prices wherever you are
What's Your Height - Feet- - Meter Converter.
Do you want to know what's your height in a different country?
Have you always wondered how is it like to live in the metric world?
So this is the App for you!
Convert your height from feet to meter and from meter to feet