MyShutdown will shut down the device using the same (HTC) method as if you'd press and hold the power on/off button for longer. On all HTC devices since the "Kaiser" the "Yes/No" dialog will be skipped and the device is shut down instantly. It will not work on non-HTC devices (will do no harm either however).
Download and install MyShutdown
Notify Me - New version ready for download
Version 1.3:
- Add a delay before showing notification and/or playing the sound. The delay is intended to avoid a non desired notification when for some reason the device mentions that the card is loose but it's not
The OpenNETCF.IoC Framework is a public-domain-licensed (you can't get any more free and unencumbered than that) framework written in CE (framework version 3.5) that provides both inversion of control and dependency injection for .NET Compact Framework applications (it can be used on the desktop as well)
OpMon allows you to change the mobile operator name on your device to one of your choosing.
Require HTC Home plugin and WM 6.0 The mobile operator name is what you see when you enter your dialpad, receive an incoming call and what is displayed at the upper-left corner of the HTC Home plugin (ex. Sprint PCS, AT&T 3G)
Owner Information - On some devices running Windows Mobile 6.5, the Owner Name information screen is hidden. Download this FREE product to your My Documents folder then navigate to this folder and click on the Owner Information file. Once installed simply click on START and you should see the "Owner Information" ICON
Panoramic Contacts Genius allows you the freedom to easily manage your Windows Mobile contacts with your finger tips. Flip between two customizable favorite screens for quick access to your most frequently used contacts
PdaMonitor - small utility that continuously shows:
* Processor usage.
* Battery charge.
* Current consumption.
* Free memory.
* Memory percentage used.
It has three small lines in the top of the screen.
* The first one shows the instantaneous processor use percentage. It's always green