Gamer - New: Free all Show Cursor, Scan in PC, Save scan command, Address write, Menu command in game
Unpack all file to SD/Mini card, and start Gamer.exe in mobile.
Tips: If the menu can't popup in game, please check the menu item "Hotkey just back". Use Gamer as menu tool just start Gamer with param "/menu". "Make games link" just search all exe file in first CF card, you must split the game to more groups("games.ini"). If back to Gamer make the game error, you can edit the scan command in registry key "HKCUSoftwareGamerscan", then scan the game in game from the popup menu. The search text that include "(" brefore "=", will be saved in scan list when scan done. Use "Down" button in Smartphone dropdown the scan list. # button instead of Drop key in Smartphone, if Drop can't work. You can use "Show Cursor" to click the screen in Smartphone(T9 quickly move cursor, more PPC games can be played on Smartphone). Use advanced search(more continual data) to find the result. The first time search's parameter if just the number 0 or 1 or 2, or second time just search 0, is wasting time(no efficiency). Press "Drop" key back to the game, or click the result label which bellow the search box. You can use "Write at first result" to change the value again in same stage. Start the new stage but change the same parameter, the result adress is same (no change), just "Write at first result" to change the value, does not need the search action; next time start Gamer, wihout search you can "Write at first result" to change the value too. Start Gamer want to play the last game and the game not started, just press "Drop" key to start the game, or Click the result label to start the game. "Write at first result", the address format like 0x????=???? , use 0x???? as the first result.
Modify example: Change "Pocket Heroes"'s experience to 10000000.
1. Start Gamer.
2. Start "Pocket Heroes" and start new stage, check the heroes's experience(like 625), press "Dorp" back to Gamer.
3. Input number 625=10000000, and click "Start Search" or "Restart Search"
4. Play the game, when experience changed(like 1625), press "Drop" back to Gamer.
5. Input new number 1625=10000000, and click "Start Search", you will get the different sound notify, and the experience changed to 1000000.
In step 5 if your input is 1625=10000000,10000 you can find heroes's mana change to 10000, so mana followed by experience.
The advanced search(if nama 10) 625,10=10000000,10000 just one times to find the result
More "Pocket Heroes" changeable numbers:
Resource 10000,10,10=1000000,10000,10000,10000,10000,10000,10000
Experience 375,10=1000000,10000(Second one is mana)
Attack/Defense 2,2,1,1=100,100,100,100,100,100,100(Attack,Defense,Spell,Knowledge...)
Travel Points 66=100000
Split Army 4=3000(Split one group army to two group army, make the number changed to find the army numbers)
FAQ: 1. How to switch window in Smartphone WM6? If the "Drop" key can not work, you can use # key to switch the windows. 2. If th result always more than one result(like "Enslave"), how to change the number? Just "Write at first result",if the results not changed.
Searching number format:"Data[,Data...]=New[,New...]", the "Data" or "New" can be normal number, hex number(0x prefix), float(f end), 64 bit long(L end), string(inner ""); maximize 32 numbers, means search/change one value or more continual values. |