SandwichSoft presents:
Mortgage Master
Fresh off the grill, Mortgage Master is our latest creation, a mortgage payment calculator for the pocket pc / windows mobile platform. It is served with a full amortization schedule, and a side of instant monthly payment updates
Mobile Electronic Suite 2005
Mobile Electronic Suite 2005 is a huge tool for every day electric calculations. This software contains a wide range of basic essentials which are very important for the electronic sector. Specifically it is highly recommendable for students, teachers and experts
Loan Calculator for WM provides the best way to calculate EMI, Principal, Duration and Amortization Table display. A Must have utility for every Pocket PC user.
Key Feautres :
Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds up Data Entry and Easy Viewing.
Loan Calculator includes 4 following modules
Handy Electrical Calculator helps you to work out various electrical calculations without a pen and paper.
You need not remember any usual formulae when you are out there in the field dealing with more useful problems.
Use of Handy Electrical also helps you to reduce any human errors involved in vital electrical calculations
Mobile Electronic Suite 2008
Mobile Electronic Suite 2008 is a huge tool for every day electric calculations. This software contains a wide range of basic essentials which are very important for the electronic sector
CarTuneTools - Tires and Wheels is an advanced automotive tire and wheel calculator. It helps you to check which combination of new tires and wheels could be an equivalent replacement of your original ones or which combination will fit onto your car.
Calculate and compare total diameter, flushness, speed change and body - tire distance
Coordinates - A Windows Mobile application which calculates either new grid coordinates from a known point given its bearing and distance, or calculates bearing and distance given two known points