- Control insertions and removal of SD Cards:
Treochat will notify you if a SD Card is removed. When you insert a card Treochat will start FileZ, the best file management program for the Treo available.
Call a contact via the call button:
Treochat will allow you to enter part of a contacts name, then search the contacts (Address Book) for a match. You can then select from the list if the contact has more than one number listed and call that person.
Beam, Launch and POS Preferences:
This application allows you to access the Palm Operating System (POS) Preferences return to Treochat via the Done button, luaunch other native applications, send text between pilots and launch applications via the buttons and menus.
Access the most commonly used Treo native applications via the touchscreen buttons and menus.
Beam text between PDAs as well as FileZ, Graffiti Anywhere, JShopper, Palm Insider Pro, Panda, OpenChess and Zap!2016 between PDAs
Attach to a hardware button:
This application has all the best natives within reach of your thumb on the touchscreen and the Rocker keys of the Treos.
We suggest that you attach to the 1st hardware button - the software will ask you at installation or there is a menu option to do this, on Treo 600/650 this is the Phone button.
If you push the 1st hardware button while in Treochat, this will cycle between treochat and the favourities (built-in application).
Use the tab buttons, buttom right of form, to cycle throught the button banks. The 1st Tab contains most of the new applications. Like Browser (Surf), Calculator (1 - Quick launch), Camera, City Time, MMS, SMS, Sim Book, Sim Services and all the others.
The 4th button banks provides the user with quick access to the old POS Books like Address Book, Date Book, To Dos, Security etc. and ZLauncher.
What's New in This Release:
· Added option to allow user to update the SMS details to the calendar. Added menu option to allow user to toggle Treochat from the Phone button.
· Option to beam Titrax. Added option to allow user to update all the current records in the PhoneCallDB to the calendar.
· Update phone calls to the calendar on call hang up.
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Supported operating systems:
Palm OS 5.x
Other Software by developer «Nigel Grant»: - 2k5Lists allows you to: Track your Books, Companies, Contacts, Entities, Goods, Memberships, Projects, Properties, Scripts, Shopping and Software.
As you change the category the left hand side of screen the field labels (Literals) are different for each category of list.Attach a hardware button,
we suggest that you attach 2k5Lists@NGrant - Beam, Launch and POS Preferences
This application allows you to access the Palm Operating System (POS) Preferences and other native applications, send text between pilots and launch applications via the buttons and menus.
Treochat allows you to:
Access the POS (Palm Operating System) Preferences and return to Treochat via the Done button