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GPSed Pro

GPSed Pro
Version: 1.0

Platforms: BlackBerry

Categories: Travel & Navigation

Upload date: 31 Aug 10

Developer: SHAPE Services

License: Shareware

Price: 9.95 $

Downloads: 816

File Size: 796 Kb

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Rating: 2.9/5 (Total votes: 10)

  GPSed Pro- is a service for trip tracking from mobile. In real time tracks are traced on Google maps and stored in an online archive. With a simple geotagging feature it is possible to pin photos to a map precisely at a place they were taken.
Map GPS tracks from your mobile and keep them in a personal archive

Record tracks of your trips anywhere on the Earth from your mobile phone. Tracks are traced on Google Maps and stored in an online archive. All you need to start tracking is a mobile device with an internal or external GPS receiver. In areas without network coverage it is still possible to record tracks by a mobile device.

These tracks can be imported to GPSed web service when you are in the area with good network coverage. Positioning data can be transferred online via GSM, EDGE, 3G or WiFi networks.

Keep traks
            of your trips
Pin your photos to a map with one-click geotagging feature

Take photos while traveling and link them to a map precisely at a place they were taken. The geotagged photos will be stored on your computer for easy and private access. See your geotagged photos in one click on Google Earth.

Pin your
            photos to a map
Share your position coordinates and tracks with friends and family

Sharing your trip impressions with friends is easy. Just select "Email to Friend" and your friends will receive a link to your public tracks. Let your friends see your instant position on a map when you are recording tracks with GPSed.

Share your
            position coordinates and tracks with friends and family
The uploaded tracks are stored on the server and available for review and management from GPSed web service
  • Open/Close tracks to view them.
  • Make your tracks Public/Private.
  • Detailed track information.
  • Tracks auto-zoom.
  • Search among your tracks and public tracks of other users.
Valued PRO features of GPSed

All features that you have already got accustomed to use in GPSed free basic version you will find in Pro, but new features make this version really efficient:

  • Lifetime support via e-mail.
  • "SOS" button for instant position alerts over SMS or email.
  • Live tracking with small intervals (up to 3 seconds).
  • New! Photo attaching and management directly in mobile application.
Like it? Share with your friends!

Supported operating systems: RIM BlackBerry OS 4.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.1, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.2, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.3, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.5, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.6, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.7, RIM BlackBerry OS 5.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 6.0

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