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Achivx Partner

Version: 1.2.3 updated

Platforms: Android

Categories: Organisation & Productivity, System Utilities

Upload date: 21 Mar 12

Developer: Sergey Baranov

License: Freeware

Downloads: 7575

File Size: 199 Kb
Download Free ClockSync 

Rating: 3.3/5 (Total votes: 48)


ClockSync - Operator not supporting time synchronization via NITZ? Device clock lags or runs forward? There is a solution for this issue! ClockSync is an Android application which can actually synchronize the device time with atomic time using NTP over GPRS/EDGE/3G/WiFi connection.
· Displays atomic reference time, system time, clock offset and current date or last synchronization time
· Gets atomic time from the user specified NTP server
· Can also set time zone from the geographic location (Detect time zone)
· Update offset by tapping on the Local offset value on the screen
· NTP details dialog is shown when tapping on Atomic time
· Tapping on the system time will synchronize the device clock with the atomic clock
· Update/Synchronize actions are also available from the application menu
· Automatic synchronization on user specified interval (battery efficient!)
· Options to synchronize only via Wi-Fi or when device is already awake
· Optional Haptic feedback when tapping on the active screen elements
· am/pm and 24-hour time display based on the system setting
· 3 color themes: ClockSync (Default), Android (Dark), Palm Pre (Light)

What's New in This Release:

· AskGeo demanded to stop using their service. I've added Yahoo! PlaceFinder instead, but it doesn't provide zone offset. In case you were using offset from the web service, you need to verify that your system time zone has the same offset or enable "Use database offset" option, otherwise you may get incorrect time.

What's New in 1.2.2:

· service is asking me to reduce traffic or they will block ClockSync, please consider switching to if you are using time zone from geo location detection feature
· possibility to use offset from offline database when using time zone detection
· cache time zone provider results for 12 hours (can be disabled or tuned in settings)
· zone cache is reset when longitude/latitude changes significantly
· menu didn't work on hdpi HC devices
· 30 seconds timeout option

What's New in 1.1.9:

· fixed language change in the app when system language changes

What's New in 1.1.6:

· support for offline time zone database (installed from Market, based on the latest Olson tz database)
· automatic switching between daylight saving time and standard time when using tz database
· provider offset option now changes system time zone to GMT+provider offset instead of internal time adjustment
· override system time zone option now sets time zone to GMT+specified offset instead of GMT+00:00 and internal time adjustment
· fixed last synchronization time didn't persist in rootless mode

What's New in 1.1.5:

· rootless mode rewritten, uses new transparent overlay updated every second (requires new permission)
· precise sync in rootless mode for devices that reset seconds on set (most Samsung phones and tablets)
· Greenwich Time Signal to assist in manual sync if device resets seconds
· separate notification offset thresholds for root and rootless modes
· separate settings group for rootless mode
· fixed time zone display in NTP Details dialog for devices with updated zoneinfo
· fixed potential stack overflow when changing NTP server

What's New in 1.1.4:

· is added as a new geo location to time zone service, can be enabled back in Settings
· option to use provider time zone offset (for AskGeo only at the moment)
· option to override system time zone with UTC and use custom offset in hours
· shortcut to install/run TimeZone Fixer app (updates system time zone files)
· option to keep screen always on when ClockSync is open
· NTP server port can be specified in the server string after colon:, useful for custom ports if the default one is blocked by your ISP
· new notification icon for Gingerbread and later (by Jocelyn Mallon)
· fixed black background didn't persist on Honeycomb
· better themes management for phones and tablets
· fixed statistics update threshold (20min) not working with negative offset values
· fixed fade removed from offset even if update failed

What's New in 1.1.3:
· smart automatic sync: no sync when network disabled, sync with interval when network available, also sync if missed because of disabled network as soon as connection becomes available
· time zone detection fixed (geonames API usage limit was exceeded)
· detect time zone updates and display changes instantly
· cosmetic changes to themes and dialogs to look better on Honeycomb tablets (still work in progress)

What's New in 1.1.2:
· No root? Enjoy clock off time notification with configurable threshold
· No root? Set time manually with the help of ClockSync to achieve best possible accuracy (see FAQ)
· time zone adjustment option will work without root (even if it's not possible to set time)
· History & Stats dialog quick access by long tap on date/last sync value
· stats threshold is set to 20 minutes, if offset is greater, stats will not update
· About and FAQ are now separated to standalone views
· Restore permission option had no effect when enabled

What's New in 1.1.1:
· High precision option for perfect automatic synchronization (see FAQ)
· long tapping on offset/system time performs manual high precision update/synchronization (takes ~5 sec)
· Strict interval option for more predictable sync when using longer intervals (see FAQ)
· higher time display precision, atomic/system clocks update independently
· statistics: total corrected time, average drift per day, sync count
· moving to SD disabled as it will break automatic synchronization
· modified Market features so that Location/GPS is not required
· use 12 instead of 00 for noon/midnight 12-hour clock
· various fixes, performance improvements, translation and FAQ updates

What's New in 1.1.0:
· faster synchronization without invoking su (see Restore permissions option and FAQ)
· values were not shown as disabled sometimes
· updated FAQ

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Supported operating systems: Google Android 1.5, Google Android 1.6, Google Android 10.x, Google Android 2.0, Google Android 2.1, Google Android 2.2, Google Android 2.3, Google Android 3.0, Google Android 3.1, Google Android 3.2, Google Android 4.0, Google Android 4.1, Google Android 4.2, Google Android 4.3, Google Android 4.4, Google Android 5.x, Google Android 6.x, Google Android 7.x, Google Android 8.x, Google Android 9.x
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