HalloweenMonths - This program can be used to moderate the candy gifts from Halloween. Each time you take candy enter it into the current day database. The program tracks your candy usage and creates a report.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer. For free support on installing email me.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
Similar Software:
JokesLove2 JokesLove2 - This program is a joke book with 582 jokes relating to love and dating. Tap on the joke number to display the full joke. This was compiled from several authors.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
PlayMaker PlayMaker - This program can be used to compose a play. Enter the actors lines as line numbers. eg. 10, 20 etc. You can insert a line into the play using a decimal number. You can export the play into Pocket Word.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
SantaCookies SantaCookies - This program allows you to leave virtual cookies for Santa.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer. For free support on installing email me
PeeMaker PeeMaker - This program makes sounds and makes it easier to make an urine sample.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer. For free support on installing email me
DrinkLimiter DrinkLimiter - DrinkLimiter can be used to 'limit' your drinking by dollar value. Enter the start limit amount for the period. The program allows you enter each time you buy a drink and alerts you of the limit.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
Whoopie Cushion Whoopie Cushion - Farting application for Windows Mobile, inspired by Fart Machine
BirthdayWish BirthdayWish - This program can be used by a person having a birthday. Enter your 'wish' and tap the IRDA wish button to send the wish via IRDA to another PocketPC in text file format.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
JokeSharer JokeSharer - This program allows you to make a list of jokes and IRDA them to other people.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer
RandomPunishment RandomPunishment - This program allows you to make a list of 'punishments'. When somebody does something wrong you can tap the random button on the tool bar to find a random punishment.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
FlowerBeamer FlowerBeamer - This program displays a flower. Tap the button to share this flower with other people via IRDA.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer
Other Software by developer «Vincent Collura»:
RomanConverter RomanConverter - This program is a two way converter that converts a decimal number into a roman numeral and a roman numeral number into a decimal number.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
CustomerHolds CustomerHolds - This program can be used by a store owner to track the items in the store that are on hold (sold) for customers. You can search the items by entering the first few letters.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
AuctionCard AuctionCard - This program allows you to enter in a 3 digit code and then displays the numbers large for an auction.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer
SmokingPoints SmokingPoints - This program can help you quit smoking.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer. For free support on installing email me
RadioRadioUniverse RadioRadioUniverse is an alternate way to browse the RadioUniverse.org website. The website has radio stations sorted into 85 music genres. Start typing the genre name to display a list of stations you can tune into. You can also save your favorites. NOTE: You need TCPMP or CorePlayer for these streams. This service is provided by RadioUniverse
DrinkRecipes2 DrinkRecipes2 - This program is a database of 32 drink recipes. Start typing the name of the drink to display a list of drinks. Tap the drink name to view the mixing information for it.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
NotifySmoke NotifySmoke converts your PocketPC into a quit smoking device. Each time you use the program increase the number of minutes between each time you smoke. The program displays a chart of the times when you can smoke. The program also schedules the next smoke into the notification database and will wake up your PocketPC is the power is off
InventoryXMLer InventoryXMLer gets your store inventory and converts it to a XML page and FTPs the XML sheet to the FTP server
BalloonLift BalloonLift - The object of this game is to move and pickup the gold on the grass. You get 20 points for each one you get and 10 points if your balloon hits a bird. If you hit a tree or bird then you lose a man.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
PatientNotes PatientNotes - This program allows you to store a 60 second voice note for each patient into your PocketPC.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer