2in1CC - SH3 is a 2 in 1 converter and calculator. It converts from virtually anything to anything else.
It has a comprehensive database of 20 categories containing a total of 472 units and 10583 possible conversions.
The categories are: Distance, Temperature, Speed, Weight, Volume, Power, Energy, Force, Pressure, Density, Area, Frequency, Illuminance, Luminance, Torque, Angles, Bytes, Acceleration, FuelConsumption, Cooking.
It has never been easier to make complex calculations and conversions with a single tool. You can easily transfer results between calculator and converter through 5 memory cells available to store your results.
Calculator contains 17 scientific functions in addition to the basic calculator operations. These are: sin, cos, tan, log, ln, exp, 1/x, x^2, x^3, x^y, n!, Mod, Int, AND, OR, NOT, XOR.
This software will work on PDAs with PocketPC/PocketPC2002 OS and SH3 processor.