West Dorset - My MP - Find information about your local constituency and MP. Includes details about party, website, profile, expenses, register of interests etc
City of Durham - My MP - Find information about your local constituency and MP. Includes details about party, website, profile, expenses, register of interests etc. Also includes information on debates your MP has participated in and latest House of Commons news
Ultimate International Tip Wizard - Free - The ultimate international tip calculating wizard. Choose the job the person is performing and the Tip Wizard will do the rest. The tip wizard has all of the percentages pre-programmed so no over tipping again. It will even handle per item charges. This is the only tip calculator to download. More countries/languages coming soon
My Constituency - South Suffolk - Find information about your local constituency and MP. Includes details about party, website, profile, expenses, register of interests etc. Also includes information on debates your MP has participated in and latest House of Commons news
My Constituency - Sleaford and North Hykeham - Find information about your local constituency and MP. Includes details about party, website, profile, expenses, register of interests etc. Also includes information on debates your MP has participated in and latest House of Commons news
MIX Outsider - MIX11 is a 72 hour conversation and MIX11 Outsiders is the app for finding the people you want to talk to. Use MIX11 Outsiders to broadcast your location via Twitter, SMS or e-mail to your friends and colleagues
Culture Quiz vous permet de tester vos connaissances sur des sujets aussi variés que le cinéma, la géographie, les sciences, les bandes déssinées ...
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