Versandapotheke - Herzlich Willkommen bei der Versandapotheke !
Jetzt bequem bestellen mit dem Windows Phone - immer und uberall.
Riesige Auswahl an Arzneimitteln, Kosmetik, Naturkosmetik, Homoopathie, Bachbluten und Dr.Schussler Salzen.
PASQ - Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) is an inflammatory arthritis
associated with psoriasis. The purpose of this tool is to determine the likelihood of having the disease. The Psoriatic Arthritis Screening Questionnaire (PASQ) was developed and validated as a sensitive and specific tool to help detect the presence of arthritis in patients suffering from psoriasis
Mind Machine Free uses rhythmic sound and flashing light to alter the brainwave frequency of the user.
Mind Machine can induce deep states of relaxation and concentration.
The experiences have been compared to those obtained from meditation.
The free version contains 15 mind stimulation programs.
The full version contains 35 mind stimulation programs
EmergenciasyServicios - Con esta App tendras a la mano los numeros de emergencia y servicios mas importantes para el Distrito Federal, asi como la opcion de marcar de manera automatica solo con oprimir el boton despues de seleccionar una de las opciones de la lista.
Algunos de los numeros que se encuentran dentro de la App son:
Cruz Roja.
Navarro - Application helps Navarro customers to manage their prescriptions including request for prescription refills, track refill status, find nearby stores to place a refill request and setup dosage reminders for better adherence
BAC Calculator - This application uses your weight and gender to roughly determine where your blood alcohol level is at any given time. Just press the add button when you take your first drink, and remember to keep pressing the button for any subsequent drink. If you accidently press it too many times, theres also a remove button