Stressed!PalmVersion: 2.0 Upload date: 10 Jun 12 Tags: Games
Stressed! - The game that allows you to destroy your Palm at the flick of a stylus.
Created in the spirit of the PC game, Stress Reliever, and the online game, NetDisaster, with Stressed!, you can hammer and blast your frustration with the PalmOS, on the PalmOS.
Activate the game via the PalmOS commandbar and let the fun begin
SiteSwapPalmVersion: 1.2 beta 1 Upload date: 25 May 12 Tags: Games
SiteSwap is a freeware juggling animation program for the palm pilot. SiteSwap allows you to Generate random siteswap patterns, select out of a list, or make up your own on the go.
Then it will juggle the pattern for you so you can see what it looks like. SiteSwap does not support multiplex or synchronous notation (yet), but will accept normal siteswap notations
TatyambarPalmVersion: 1.2 Upload date: 25 May 12 Tags: Games
Tatyambar is a Dice program for 6 sided dice
SaexgrythPalmVersion: 1.0.4 Upload date: 9 Apr 12 Tags: Games
Shareware 4.99 $
Saexgryth - Included is a Dragon Bane 2 adventure script, 256 color tile file and 256 color wall file. Dragon Bane 2 must be purchased separately (search Mythological Software on
Saexgryth™(tm) 1
PortaFishPalmVersion: 1.0a Upload date: 9 Apr 12 Tags: Games
Shareware 4.99 $
PortaFish is part goldfish, part piranha. It swims, eats, poops and makes baby PortaFishies just like real fish. If you're feeling particularly sick, try giving it a dose of radioactive waste, feed it human body parts, or just fry him up for dinner
PortaHoPalmVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 9 Apr 12 Tags: Games
Shareware 4.99 $
PortaHo - PortaHo is a safe, clean, and cheap alternative to that disease-ridden ho down the street. Treat your lady right with food, booze, and free trips to the clinic, and over time you'll get more money to spend on her. Ho can interact with PortaPimp
PortaKittyPalmVersion: 1.0a Upload date: 9 Apr 12 Tags: Games
Shareware 4.99 $
PortaKitty - Easily the most vicious and unpredictable PortaPet to escape from Eruptor's secret labs. Sure, it may look harmless, but don't be fooled. Behind those big eyes and little paws is the soul of a demented killer. And no, he cannot be declawed
PortaPamPalmVersion: 1.0b Upload date: 9 Apr 12 Tags: Games
Shareware 4.99 $
PortaPam - The official virtual version of Pamela Anderson. It's your job to manage her daily routines and career
PortaPimpPalmVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 9 Apr 12 Tags: Games
Shareware 4.99 $
PortaPimp - The perfect companion to PortaHo. You can beam PortaHo to a friend who has PortaPimp and watch the sparks really fly! Just make sure Pimp gets good nutrition and plenty of sweet action, but not too much or it's straight to the clinic for him
BCPascistoPalmVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 9 Apr 12 Tags: Games
Shareware 3.00 $
BCPascisto - Do your kids want to play with your Palm, but they're too young for the complex games? Then Pascisto is the right choice for you. It's a simple game (based on the famous "Scissors, Paper, Stone") for 2, 3, or 4 human or computer players, and it's very easy to use, especially for kids