Financial Phrases - This is a database of almost 6,000 financial phrases, terms and abbreviations, created by Dirk Wetter. You can use these as a reference. Whenever you find some unknown phrase, look it up, tap the Commit button and from now on you will know it by heart thanks to SuperMemo repetion spacing tests
German Finance - This is a set of financial phrases and terms in German language, created by Dirk Wetter. You can use it as a reference. Whenever you find some unknown phrase, look it up, tap the Commit button and from now on you will know it by heart thanks to SuperMemo repetion spacing tests
AW Campbell R. Harvey's Finance Glossary (Palm OS) - Wondering what is meant by the time value of money? Effective margin? Realized compound yield? Look no further. Campbell R. Harvey`s Finance Glossary is the largest financial glossary on the Internet
AW Dictionary Of Occupational Titles (Palm OS) - Dictionary Of Occupational Titles. 29092 titles. This dictionary is designed to fit in memory of low-memory devices
AW Legal Dictionary (Palm OS) - A glossary of legal terms used in all kinds of legal practice. It consists of condensed definitions for hundreds of legal terms, from the common to the bizarre. You can use it both in high school and while writing a contract or negotiating with a partner
AW Real Estate Dictionary (Palm OS) - The dictionary contains upwards of 1460 terms used in the real estate law. It will benefit both college students and realtors and lawyers who can use it in their every day work
Marketing Terms Dictionary for Palm OS - A useful free Marketing dictionary with a list of over 650 common and uncommon marketing research words and phrases. The dictionary provides cross-links among articles, navigation history and support for other BDicty lexicons.
The dictionary is recommended for students studying marketing in high school or a university
im:mobile - Investment (II) for Palm OS - Dictionary German-English "Real Estate"
This eBook provides essential German to English real estate vocabulary that professionals need to communicate with german-speaking business partners.
It is an alphabetically sorted dictionary and contains more than 4.000 german terms and expressions and their translation
im:mobile - Investment (I) for Palm OS - Dictionary English-German "Real Estate"
This eBook provides essential English to German real estate vocabulary that professionals need to communicate with german-speaking business partners.
It is an alphabetically sorted dictionary and contains more than 4.000 german terms and expressions and their translation