Spb Benchmark - Spb Benchmark is a tool for measuring Pocket PC device performance.
Spb Benchmark measures various aspects of Pocket PC device productivity
and speed such as:
* Processor speed
* Memory Bus speed
* Screen and graphics speed
* Battery lifetime
* Storage card read/write speed
Unlike other benchmark applications for Pocket PC, Spb Benchmark also carries out some tests that could be more informative for an average user:
* Pocket Word, Pocket Internet Explorer and File Explorer performance tests
* JPEG file opening
* Audio (mp3) and video (avi) performance
The results of the tests carried out by Spb Benchmark include the time it took to carry out a test, speed (for data write tests) and comparison to Compaq iPaq 3650.
· Spb Benchmark is free ONLY for non commercial use
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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SPB Traveler 2 - Travel with Confidence! Travel made easy with up-to-date weather forecasts, currency exchange rates, and information about more than 10,000 cities worldwide
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Spb Benchmark Spb Benchmark is a tool for measuring Pocket PC device performance