ABBYY FotoTranslate English - German - Translate words with a single button push, wherever you are - you don't need to type unknown foreign words by hand.
The program automatically recognizes the words taken on the camera of your smartphone and shows the translation.
Application includes Concise Oxford Duden German Dictionary, 3rd Edition, 150 000 headwords and phrases.
Snap a foreign word - get an instant translation!
Key features:
Easy information input
No Internet or mobile network connection is required
Quick and accurate word translation
Up-to-date high-quality dictionaries
Audio pronunciations by professional speakers of translated keywords
Auto and manual corrections
User-friendly, intuitive interface
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PONS Kompaktworterbuch Englisch-Deutsch PONS Kompaktworterbuch Englisch-Deutsch - Ausführliches Nachschlagen mit vielen Extras
Umfassend und hochaktuell - der ideale Begleiter zu jeder Gelegenheit.
Neubearbeitung 2005 , erweitert um 5.000 Wörter pro
Rund 65
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The program automatically recognizes the words taken on the camera of your smartphone and shows the translation
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Translate words with a single button push, wherever you are - you don't need to type unknown foreign words by hand.
The program automatically recognizes the words taken on the camera of your smartphone and shows the translation
ABBYY Tutor ABBYY Tutor 2.0 is a vocabulary building application for Windows Mobile Pocket PC.
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Translate words with a single button push, wherever you are - you don't need to type unknown foreign words by hand.
The program automatically recognizes the words taken on the camera of your smartphone and shows the translation
ABBYY FotoTranslate French-Russian ABBYY FotoTranslate French-Russian is an innovative solution for travel and business trips.
Translate words with a single button push, wherever you are - you don't need to type unknown foreign words by hand.
The program automatically recognizes the words taken on the camera of your smartphone and shows the translation