MobFinance-Mobile Stock Tracker for European Investors- is a new generation of Cell/SmartPhone based investor assistant specifically designed for EU investors. It offers a broad range of trade information about stocks, mutual funds, and derivatives from 14 European exchanges (including Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Dublin, Germany, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Milan, OSLO, Paris, Stockholm, Switzerland, Vienna). An investor can monitor his entire portfolios by retrieving stock quotes and live charts showing intraday, weekly and 12 month graphs, as well as today's headlines through Internet directly from your mobile phone anywhere at any time. Its data charts also enable an investor to observe the price trend and capture momentum. WAP proxy is fully supported and five different language support meets the needs of multi-national investors.
* Features: - Real-time Symbol lookup (10 minutes delay)
- Comprehensive quotes for any stocks and mutual funds traded on 14 European exchanges (including Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Dublin, Germany, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Milan, OSLO, Paris, Stockholm, Switzerland, Vienna)
- Integration of iMobLife's RssNews!(Mobile Rss Reader) that enables investors to manage & browse latest market news feeds
XS Portfolio XS Portfolio is the ultimate in stock management. A complete stock system and packed with features
RMRInvest (Nokia) RMRInvest (Nokia) - This program allows you to keep track of the performance of multiple portfolios of shares, stocks or bonds. The main screen holds all the details of each investment, including latest price and total value of the portfolio
InventoriX Demo InventoriX Demo-The InventoriX asset management system is based on the MobiAccess framework.
Managing inventories of goods, products, equipment becomes simple, agile and transparent by virtue of the mobile data capture technology.
Enterprise inventory control, item identification and linking can be performed in an error-free, secure and efficient way
My Portfolio My Portfolio is a free Series 60 v3 finances application that updates your Google Finance portfolio in the real time on your mobile. You get the most needed information from your own portfolio displayed, such as: company name; symbol, last price and percent change.
All other data about your portfolio units is also available, exactly as you can get it online
StockWatch for SE P800/P900/P910 Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, you now can stay on top of market conditions with instant wireless updates on your portfolio values!
MobFinance Worldwide Edition MobFinance Worldwide Edition is a powerful stock tracking program that enables an investor to monitor portfolios from 56 worldwide exchanges by retrieving stock quotes and live charts directly to mobile phone. It offers a broad range of trade information about stocks, mutual funds, and derivatives from different stock markets
HomeInventory HomeInventory - A convenient and easy place to store information about your valuable personal assets. Calculate the net worth of your property by category, and keep accurate records for insurance coverage
ABCs of Borrowing ABCs of Borrowing - Some small business persons cannot understand why a lending institution refused to lend them money.Others have no trouble getting funds, but they are surprised to find strings attached to their loans
TSP Diary for HanDBase A database for federal employees who want to keep track of their TSP earnings
Other Software by developer «IMOBLIFE»:
Self-Hypnosis for Weight Control Self-Hypnosis for Weight Control - Motivate your subconscious mind to control your weight! You will be amazed on its effect.? ? David J. Marvick, CHt Do you have the following experience? You want to lose weight. Your weight loss goal is clear
Self-Hypnosis for Sound Sleep Self-Hypnosis for Sound Sleep - Weight Control - Enjoy Sound Sleep With The Incredible Power Of Self Hypnosis!
Self-Hypnosis for Sound Sleep is designed to do two things for you. First, it's designed to help you get to sleep easier at night by learning to relax and let go of any worries or stress you might still be holding onto
Self-Hypnosis to be Smoke Free Self-Hypnosis to be Smoke Free - Numerous ways have been tried to quit smoking. According to a national survey, hypnosis is the most effective one in it, three times more effective than the patch and 15 times more effective than willpower. Self-Hypnosis to be Smoke Free is built to help you turn your sub-conscious mind to be your ally when fighting urges to smoke
iZen Lite IZen provides Zen music that helps you reach an inner calm that you can't achieve in silence. It gives your mind something peaceful and tranquil to concentrate on while you try to reach a state of higher awareness
Bloglive Symbian Edition Bloglive Symbian Edition is a powerful mobile blogging application that enables you to update your online blog directly from your mobile phone. With Bloglive, updating your blog while you're on the go is as easy as writing an SMS
Bloglive BlackBerry Edition - Mobile Blogger Assistant Bloglive BlackBerry Edition - Mobile Blogger Assistant
Bloglive BlackBerry Edition --- Mobile Blogger Assistant
* Product Description
Bloglive is a powerful mobile blogging application that enables you to update your online blog directly from your BlackBerry
MobFinance-Mobile Stock Tracker With Mobfinance, European investor can monitor his entire portfolio by retrieving stock quotes and live charts through Internet directly from his mobile phone anywhere at any time
Yoga Moment Yoga Moment - Yoga Moment provides graceful and attractive yoga tunes with a far-eastern aroma. This app aims not only to help you relax at your leisure time, but also can be set as the background music when practicing Yoga