ACR – Auto Call Recorder -This application does what the title says; it records your phone calls automatically. It automatically detects when you are on an incoming or outgoing call and then records the conversation to the folder you specify. It saves the call as a file in the format of [Direction] [FileAs] [Phone Number] [Call Length]
Note: This application is not legal in all countries/states. Check first before you use this software as you could get into serious trouble in some areas.
What's New in This Release:
· Extended Beta period.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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Comments on ACR - Auto Call Recorder:
reyaad faisal:
Its a good software. thnx.
Date: 27 Aug 10
it is a good software for pocket pc
Date: 14 Mar 12
dhruv gaur:
Very gooD :)
Date: 16 May 13
ACR does not work in MPTOROLA ES 400.It ask to download latest beta version .
Date: 2 Feb 14
Sandeep Dogra Ambala:
VERY BAD.It records only 48B that cant played. It ask to update latest beta version.
Date: 2 Feb 14
i hope work in my mobile
Date: 25 Mar 14
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ACR - Auto Call Recorder is compatible with your device Swisscom XPA v1510 (HTC Trinity 100)