RR's Unit Converter is a powerful unit conversion and calculator software for Android smartphones. It contains over 1000 simple units. Compound units can be created by selecting nominator and denominator unit. For example 'Speed' could be defined by any combination of Length/Time units
Distance and area measurement - Turn this application on and walk or drive around a region to measure its area. The path length is measured as well.
To start a measurement; wait until the GPS receiver is ready and then press start. If the positioning is a little shaky in the beginning, press restart as soon as it has stabilized
Every mobile has a calculator, maybe it can only calculate basic operations such as plus and multiply which is far from useful, or it is complicated with too many buttons which makes your head explode.
handyCalc is a calculator, too. But it will redefine your impression to the word "calculator".
- It is designed to be easy to use
Ticker Tape Calculator Simple calculator, but keeps a ticker tape that saves all your calculations, like an accountant's calculator that spits out ticker tape. It provides more features than built in calculator, like memory buttons
gbaCalc is a decimal calculator inspired by printing calculators. All operations are shown in a scrolling window like on a paper roll. Decimal fixed point arithmetic with rounding, percentage and tax calculations suited for commercial use.
RPN-like operation mode. Operations can be edited, saved to a file or sent by email
The Advanced Calculator (or Scientific Calculator) is an easy to use calculator for Android phones.
This amazing calculator has a wide range of mathematical operators and functions.
The calculator comes with many pre-defined constants for mathematics, physics and chemistry.
And you can save your math and results in a list for later usage
Lightning is a simple application that takes the drugework out of calculating how far away a lightning storm is. Sounds travels at approximately 1100 feet per second. So it takes about 5 seconds to travel 1 mile. This little application takes the work out of calculating that distance