Unit Convert is a powerful unit conversion software. It contains more than 676 units in 38 categories. Unlike other unit conversion applications which use 32 float point number, Unit Convert uses 64 float point number to do calculation thus the results are much more precise
Science Manual is a combination of Unit Convert, Scientific Constants and Chemical Elements.
It contains more than 676 units grouped in 38 categories, 112 chemical elements and more than 110 scientific constants sorted in 5 categories.
Science Manual allows you to make unit conversion and check scientific constants and chemical elements
j2me FindMyCar - Innovative software for mobile devices that uses the GPS signal to show signs that allow to reach a geographic location.
Suitable for various uses (eg. find car parked in a parking area or in an unknown city, finding a person (who has sent their coordinates) in a lovely beach, in a fair, in another boat, find an area of sea fishing, etc..)
RoadblockJavaVersion: 2.1 Upload date: 5 Dec 10 Tags: Games
Roadblock is a skill arcade game for mobile phones. Block the opponent road before you are blocked.
The target of the game is to get as many points as possible. Your target is to leave no space for the opponent computer to grow before you hit an occupied cell. Use the arrows to change the direction of your worm and make sure you don't hit anything
MobileChem (for both touchscreen and keypad mobile phones) is a smart chemical tool (for science and engineering students). The program includes many applications (Acid-Base Titration, Chemical equations, Distillation... ) with a large set of features
MobileChem (for both touchscreen and keypad mobile phones) is a smart chemical tool (for science and engineering students). The program includes many applications (Acid-Base Titration, Chemical equations, Distillation... ) with a large set of features