BluCop - mobile software that can be executed on most of the Bluetooth capable smart phones (Java MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1 and JSR-82 required). BluCop uses the communication cost free Bluetooth technology to periodically check the availability of previously selected Bluetooth devices - so called markers - in the surrounding area
RMSDestroyer - a small program which fills a java enabled phones memory with 1's. With the ability of the FBI and other organizations able to view deleted data you can never be too safe. Before you throw away your phone run this program for as long as possible. Once you have erased all data from your phone (master clear or otherwise) run this program
file locker by vbjoy - it is working 100% nokia 5233 5230 5235.
otherwise ask me.
it is only hide files from memory card not gellary file install files if you use symbian s60v5 type mobiles.
if you use java supported mobile it is hide gellary file install files