Personal Mobile App - Create Mobile App in 2 minutes - Free. Guys, We have just launched a new MakePack(dot)com Mobile Application Creatot, where you can create personal Mobile app in less then 2 minutes. It's FREE, NO registration, No user name or pass word required, No disclaimer to sign, Build your own Mobile App with your favorites , Gmail, GetJar, facebook, In, or of your choice. Great Producing more then 7000 mobile applications a week and grow.
Mobile Content Factory
You can be a private individual using MakePack to build Mobile Content Applications for Social Networking Websites, Address Books, Picture Albums or a commercial company using MakePack to build Tourist Guides, Last Minute Travel Deals, Language Conversation Books, New Products & Offerings, Sale Campaigns, Fashion Catalogs, Store Locations, Information on Restaurants, Sports, TV Programs and many more.
The uniqueness of this system is the simplicity, the time-to-market and the ability to distribute a Mobile Content Application to selected and focused consumer groups or friends and buddies by a simple SMS or on demand. Mobile Content Applications build by MakePack provide all mobile features such as automatic dialing, direct web access, sending Email or SMS messages from within the application.
This technology will actually change the market where not only mobile content providers or software companies can create mobile content but also any private individual or commercial company can do it by themselves at a very low cost and with no need for a technical background.
The Tools
Installing the MakePack platform on any app store and offer two possibilities for design Client download: Creation of mobile applications on designer's computer, by downloading client. Uploading will send the App file to the system's QA
Web interface: Real time platform to build application over the web. With this option the producers will be able to contact each other and share applications, use existing icon and picture library, translate existing application to different languages and share income with the original producers.
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Supported operating systems:
Java ME, Java Nokia 240x320, Java SE 240x320
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