FacebookGPS allows you to update your status on FaceBook with a GPS link to a Google.com mobile map. Tap the button to get a GPS lock. Once you have a lock enter your status update and your FaceBook.com status will be updated with a link to the Google.com Mobile maps. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookButtons allows you to assign buttons to FaceBook app ID numbers. For each app you can create a button with the app number and the name of the app. When you tap on the button the program will open the mobile FaceBook page for the app. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookClipboard allows you to update a Facebook app with the current contents of the clipboard. Copy the text onto the clipboard from any PocketPC application. When you tap the button your Facebook app status will be updated with the clipboard. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookApp creates the 'FaceBook.dat' file that is needed for the FaceBook App programs on the CeBeans.com website. Enter or paste the App ID number and the App Secret and tap the button to create the file. NOTE: The file is stored in the 'FaceBookApp' folder. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookUpdaterer allows you to update your FaceBook app wall and keeps track of the total time since you last updated it. Enter the text (Maximum 450 characters) and the key to update your FaceBook app with the new status message. This service is provided by FaceBook
MyFriendTweeter allows its user to specify a biographical description of his or her interests in order to locate new friends. This tool provides Full English language support during search. Just supply an English worded text (i.e., a sentence, a paragraph, or even a page of text) describing your interests and who you are
Papaya - turns your phonebook into a fun and useful social network! It allows you to communicate with your friends cheaply and easily, no matter where you are. Using Papaya, you can play games with your friends, chat with them over IM, share pictures and other files, make cheap international calls, and more
Windows Live Mobile Get access to your favorite Windows Live programs and features, right from your Windows Mobile phone. With Windows Live for Windows Mobile, it's almost like having your PC in your pocket. You can even download and sync your contacts from your Windows Live account to your mobile phone