StatusSMSerer allows you to update people of your current status via SMS. Select the status type, location and any notes. When you tap the button the program will create a blank SMS template with the status message.
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Supported operating systems:
Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
Similar Software:
Mode SMS Mode SMS is a little utility for choosing visualization mode for SMS in WM 6.1.
Windows Mobile 6.1 introduced a new mode for visualize SMS: threading. But not all people love it. Fortunately, we can modify it (it's a reg key).
- Changes need soft reset.
- Only for QVGA device
Repeatr Repeatr- application that will repeat alerts for missed phones and text messages. I have to admit this is something I could use myself. So I figured I take a crack at it today, since it would make for a fun, simple, Friday app.
Other than that everything is rather straight forward. We have checkboxes allowing the user to choose what events we will monitor
MotoRiety GPS Check the number of times a driver has sent emails, text messages, and made a phone call while the vehicle was moving on a daily, weekly or monthly basis
Aloaha Mobile Security for SMS Aloaha SecureSMS - Much has been said about email security but hardly anything about SMS security. Considering the amount of sensitive SMS sent on a daily base that is pretty surprising. As the recent stories with manipulated Nokia 1100 (just Google it) have shown it is very possible to intercept SMS from other users
HushSMS HushSMS- tool to sent a class zero message (aka Flash-SMS) or a stealthy PING message to another cellphone. The "Silent Ping" enables you to sent a message to another cellphone without the owner getting knowledge about.
Copy the CAB file to your device and double click it.
The program is installed to Program FilesHushSMSHushSMS.exe
Update for HTC Touch HD - Notifications Enhancement Update for HTC Touch HD - Notifications Enhancement - This update for HTC Touch HD combines your SMS function with HTC's unique notifications to bring you your messages as soon as you get them. You will receive notifications whenever your phone is powered on and has reception, allowing you to stay close to the people you care about while on the go
405 Animated Gifs 405 Animated Gifs - This collection of 405 Enhanced and high quality Animated Gifs to send your friends
Best Reminder (PPC) Best Reminder - It is very easy to miss the initial sound of an incoming message or a phone call especially if the smartphone was in another room at this moment, in a leather wallet or in your jacket when you''re in a car or at the street
Other Software by developer «Vincent Collura»:
FavoritesManager FavoritesManager allows you browse and start your Pocket Internet Explorer Favorites in a list sorted box
PicturePrefixes This program allows you to set a fast RAM folder on your PocketPC to store pictures/videos from your camera. When you take a picture/video the file is sent to the dated folder with name/date/time stamp on it
HistoryPersonalities HistoryPersonalities - This program is a database 9,573 Famous people/events in world History. Start typing the name to display a list. Tap on the name to view the full entry. This was compiled from "The Nutall Encyclopedia" edited by Rev. James Wood.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL
WishMaker WishMaker - This program allows you to enter a wish and then press the button to make your wish.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer
TimezoneReporter TimezoneReporter creates a text report of world time zones that are included in the WindowsCE OS. Simply tap the button and enter the name for the file and the program will create a text file with the selected name. You can also preview the text file report in Pocket Word
PodcastsFolder PodcastsFolder is a file explorer that allows you to create and share '.PCRSS' files (Podcast RSS links) and view them in the built in Podcast viewer/downloader. You can use the built in file manager to organize your podcast links into subfolders. You can also export the Podcast listings to text or CSV format
VoicesFoldered VoicesFoldered - VoicesFoldered is a quick voice recorder that allows you to record your voice with a single tap and sends the wave file to a secure FTP server as a file name based on the system time. You can browse the timed files via the calendar folder interface.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL
ContactingEmailFile ContactingEmailFile lets you quickly send files to an OutLook contact via email. Select the contact and then browse the folders of your mobile device to find the file. When you tap on the file, the app creates an email and sends it. If you are offline, then the program places the email in your Pocket Outlook outbox
PictureSyncer PictureSyncer - PictureSyncer allows you to select from 99 subjects and syncs the top search result from the image search and downloads the images to the storage card. You can also explore the images offline.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
Roofer Roofer - The object of this game is to move from left to right and keep the tar moving. If you run out of tar or get hit by a falling object then the game is over.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer