BattClock shows Time and Battery percentage above the top bar.
Very small in memory: 1 Kb in memory (check it with a task manager)
No CPU usage: 0.00 % CPU usage, check it with a task manager)
Very small on disk: BattClock.exe 17 Kb on disk, BattClock.CAB 16 Kb on disk,
Very efficient resource usage (clock update and measuring of battery percentage)
Time and Battery percentage above the top bar
Automatic detect settings the first time started, dependent of the screen resolution and colour.
12 hour clock possibility
Date possibility in format DDMM or MMDD
Only Date, Time or Battery Percentage possibility
ndicator if charging (battery percentage character % is changed into tilde character ~)
Clock width, height, X position and Y position configurable
X position from the left configurable
Automatic runtime adaption of BattClock on Portrait or Landscape mode (with negative ClockX setting)
Background and Foreground color configurable
FontSize configurable
Configurable via registry settings (or configure via TouchLockPro BattClock Settings screen and than uninstall TouchLockPro)
Supported resolutions: 240x320, 240x240, 480x480. 480x640, 480x800, etc.
What's New in This Release:
· Fixed bug that the CellTowerInfo was done once per second instead of 30 seconds. Changed into once per 90 seconds.
· Close Radio Interface Layer after getting CellTowerInfo to be sure that phone can go into a deep sleep
· Open/Close log file to be sure the phone can go into a deep sleep
· Do not log Cell Tower info to file, when there is no valid data (When CellTower reports -1)
· Updated Spanish translation, thanks to jcmm
· Updated French translations, thanks to YoLoLo
· Updated Italian translations, thanks to ephestione
· Updated German translations, thanks to Tokl
What's New in 3.5.2:
Fixed bug that display alignment got screwed up by solving "Also make it possible to align display text for Battery % when charging"
What's New in 3.5:
Fixed problem that + sign in DetectBackGround X in Others setting screen was not working
Fixed bug that import settings in BattConfig About did not remove previous settings, so the end result could be wrong (note if you import registry values directly, first remove existing ones)
Fixed that the CSV file is correctly showing the correct header for BATTERY_CURRENT or BATTERY_CURRENT_FORCE
Fixed bug that some values where only used as stripe when log was enabled for them (minutesCall, minutesDisplayOn, minutesStandby, minutesUptime)
Fixed Russian typo, thanks to d8389
Treat stripe values as unsigned instead of signed
Make it possible to show registry key HKCU/ControlPanel/Volume/Volume as a number between 0 and 100 (divide by 42949672 and unsigned arithmetic)
Reset signal strength registry key to 0 when in flight mode/radio off to overcome WM bugs/quirks
When a registry key does not exists, return 0 instead of keeping the old value
Improved performance when background image is used
Also use the Background Image for stripes, if configured
Support detectBackground negative X values to support landscape
Added option to align text horizontal (left or right) and/or vertical (top or bottom), prefix display format by < (left) or > (right) ^ (top) v (bottom) [ (left bottom), ] (right bottom) { (left top) } (right top)
Same info can be used in more than one stripe
What's New in 3.4.3:
Fixed bug that only the first 6 content items were shown in BattConfig when restarted
What's New in 3.4.1:
Protect against OverflowException in Color Picker
Fixed bug that selecting another font was not immediately reflected
Save the BattConfig log also in the directory where the program is installed
Only keep the non-default configuration values in the Registry, to save some KiloBytes of phone memory and Registry size
Improved the size of the executables (5% smaller, 33 KB less space in total)
New Czech translations, thanks to Konrad007
Updated Russian translations, thanks to Vadim Bogaiskov
Updated Spanish translations, thanks to jcmm
Updated German translations, thanks to Tokl
What's New in 3.3:
Added possibility to have 6 separate BattClock areas, so you have more control over where to position info
What's New in 3.2.1:
Fixed fallback if Wifi Bytes is not returned by Wifi Adapter (as is the case for HD2), using WifiPackets
Fixed Wifi Connect Time counting (increment when connected, not only when data received)
Fixed Mobile Connect Time counting (increment when connected, not only when data received)
Wifi updates once per second instead of once per 3 seconds
What's New in 3.1.2:
Fixed CPU speed monitor fallback for Acer with QSD8250 processor (e.g. Acer S200)
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Standard
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