Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition (SQL Server Mobile) is a mobile database solution designed for developers who target Microsoft Windows Mobile based devices. SQL Server Mobile includes the largest number of new and improved features in any version of SQL Server Mobile since the original version, SQL Server CE 1.0
tGetFile.dll - File Dialog Box for Pocket PCs. The dialog box can open files only under the "My Documents". tGetFile.dll is an alternative File Dialog Box which does not have this restriction. With tGetFile.dll installed, Tillanosoft PocketNotepad or such programs that support tGetFile
Sapphire GZip Utility- The memory available on the devices is undoubtedly increasing as technology evolves, but so is the amount of data we are storing. We can now store more information about products and customers allowing a smoother daily run of the business.
However, we may sometimes find that our data is still, too big
eSQL is a small, fast, portable and powerful embedded relational SQL database for Windows and Windows Mobile devices. Based on excellent database engine sqlite, eSQL provides rich features including:
- A complete database is stored in a single cross-platform file.
- No setup or administration needed
MortScript interprets a (quite) simple batch language. If you know .bat files in DOS or shell scripts: it's something like that. Its focus is to remote control or launch other applications, not to write real applications. I.e., you can't do complex dialogs or graphics with it
MortScript interprets a (quite) simple batch language. If you know .bat files in DOS or shell scripts in *nix: it’s something like that. Its focus is to remote control or launch other applications, not to write real applications. It’s more an hacker tool without a nifty interface, you have to write your scripts with any text editor
MobiAccess DevelopmentSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Series 60, BlackBerry, Smartphone, Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, Apple iPhone OSVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 13 Feb 10 Tags: Programming & Development
MobiAccess is a mobile development framework that enables developers to easily create mobile applications for data collection without extensive knowledge on mobile development. It handles data replication (mobiSync) and data visualization (mobiVision) as well
The main advantage of CAD Import .NET is the possibility for smart CAD developing in Microsoft Visual Studio. CAD Import .NET contains managed code only and displays drawings with GDI+ methods.
MS Studio .NET + CAD Import .NET + CAD drawing = high quality software
To define practical application of CAD Import .NET the following aspects should be distinguished: