BattClock shows Time and Battery percentage above the top bar.
Very small in memory: 1 Kb in memory (check it with a task manager)
No CPU usage: 0.00 % CPU usage, check it with a task manager)
Very small on disk: BattClock.exe 17 Kb on disk, BattClock
Crunch Tyme Skin (for D9 Pocket PC dialler) - A fresh and cool new skin for the amazing "D9" dialer(freeware) for your windows mobile pocket pc. Download today! Download your free copy of "D9 Dialer" from
Week Skejuler SP - The better way to get best out of your weekends is to plan & execute your tasks as a set of weekly schedules.
Organizing tasks monthly is too broad & organizing it by day is too narrow.
Week Skejuler presents an unique way of organizing your tasks by week with a TreeView (outliner) concept
Sci-Fi Plugin v2.1 Advanced Homescreen - Blue Clock WM5 - This is a homescreen like you''ve never seen before! Features: - Big Analog Clock with second hand. - Gauges for battery, network signal, prog mem and mem card. See the exact levels for each one! - Comes with installer for easy install. - Battery friendly
Financial Planner for Pocket PC - The L3 Financial Planner supplies five financial analysis, calculation and planning tools that could change your life
Image Calendar Flowers Edition for Pocket PC - Who says PDA software always has to be boring? L3''s Image Calendars blend a useful calendar / clock display with a dazzling image slideshow!
The Image Calendar Flowers Edition includes 21 beautiful and soothing photographs of nature''s most colorful flowers
Image Calendar Cubism Edition for Pocket PC - This application is also available as part of the MegaPack application library! MegaPack gives you a library of almost 100 full featured applications in eight different categories. It includes L3's award winning and best selling apps for business, personal productivity, health, utilities, games, and more
Image Calendar Galaxy Edition for Pocket PC - This application is also available as part of the MegaPack application library! MegaPack gives you a library of almost 100 full featured applications in eight different categories. It includes L3's award winning and best selling apps for business, personal productivity, health, utilities, games, and more
QuikNotes for Pocket PC - This application is also available as part of the MegaPack application library! MegaPack gives you a library of almost 100 full featured applications in eight different categories
TimeBill for Pocket PC - This application is also available as part of the MegaPack application library! MegaPack gives you a library of almost 100 full featured applications in eight different categories