SmartCom Navigator is an easy to use software with a user friendly interface supporting all necessary functions that will turn your smartphone into a powerful navigation system.
SmartCom Navigator is an easy to use software with a user friendly interface supporting all necessary functions that will turn your smartphone into a powerful navigation system.
You can use SmartCom Navigator without GPS-receiver for example as a map browsing tool during excursions at an unknown places.
All program functions were divided into several categories that are available in one or two clicks in main menu.
Note: To activate the trial you must first obtain a trial serial number here:
"SmartCom Navigator for UIQ3":
· - 100% compatibility with maps and data files of OziExplorer and SmartComGPS (can read .plt, .wpt, .map, .names);
· - Comfortable map browsing;
· - Unlimited map size;
· - Fast zoom from 20% to 1000%;
· - Trip calculator in navigation mode;
· - Fullscreen;
· - Supports tracks and waypoints;
· - Track and waypoint editors;
· - Automatic voice and visual instructions in navigation mode;
· - Send SMS with position from map;
· - Receiving and showing SMS'es on the map;
· - Satellites screen;
· - Fast zoom out till 0,5%;
· - Playing sound on GPS events;
· - Track search (search track to a given position using existing tracks);
· - Downloading maps from the internet;
· - Supports .ogf2 maps
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Supported operating systems:
UIQ 3.0, UIQ 3.1
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: 100% compatible with OziExplorer maps and data files. Can read and write .plt, .wpt, .map, .names files
: Create and calibrate vector maps using OziExplorer on PC
: Enhanced raster (bitmap) map view
: Unlimited map size, map chunks loading dynamically
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Main features:
: 100% compatible with OziExplorer maps and data files. Can read and write .plt, .wpt, .map, .names files
: Create and calibrate vector maps using OziExplorer on PC
: Enhanced raster (bitmap) map view
: Unlimited map size, map chunks loading dynamically
SmartCom Navigator UIQ3 SmartCom Navigator is an easy to use software with a user friendly interface supporting all necessary functions that will turn your smartphone into a powerful navigation system. You can use SmartCom Navigator without GPS-receiver for example as a map browsing tool during excursions at an unknown places
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SmartCom Navigator S60 SmartCom Navigator is an easy to use software with a user friendly interface supporting all necessary functions that will turn your smartphone into a powerful navigation system. You can also use SmartCom Navigator without GPS-receiver as a map browsing tool during trips to unknown places
MapViewGPS II s60 MapViewGPS II is a navigation and map view solution for phones.
Main features:
: 100% compatible with OziExplorer maps and data files. Can read and write .plt, .wpt, .map, .names files
: Create and calibrate vector maps using OziExplorer on PC
: Enhanced raster (bitmap) map view
: Unlimited map size, map chunks loading dynamically
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SmartComGPS designed for the all Symbian phones. It is compatible with external BT GPS receivers, and internal aGPS receiver of Motorola A920/925/1000