Skb Group SMS - As most Windows Mobile devices lack the functionality to send the same SMS to a group of contacts i decided to make this small application. It can be started from the Start menu or by the right menu in the messaging application
Skb contact Manager is innovative application ensuring complete protection of your phone Contacts.
Skb contact Manager is password protected so that no one else except the phone owner can ever see the data contents without knowing the password and would not even know that there are some data or files inside which are in fact, hidden
Group SMS Solution.
As the name suggest it is basically a program to send SMSes to a group of people at the same time.
As most Windows Mobile devices lack the functionality to send the same SMS to a group of contacts i decided to make this small application. It can be started from the Start menu or by the right menu in the messaging application
Skb SMS Manager and Organizer-Ultimate- innovative application which manages your inbox messages.It creates another virtual inbox through which one can hide/visible messages.Main feature of SMS Manager is that,one can view message folders by his/her name.
For example,all messages comming from Mr.John are contained in one automatically generated folder name 'John'
Skb Mobility Suite is innovative application ensuring complete protection of any type of data like SMS,all files,contacts,eWallet or any other files etc. and much more
Skb Mobility Suite is innovative application ensuring complete protection of any type of data like SMS,all files,contacts,eWallet or any other files etc. and much more
Skb SMS Manager and Hider is innovative application which manages your inbox messages.It creates another virtual inbox through which one can hide/visible messages
Skb File Hider is innovative application ensuring complete protection of important data files like photos, videos or any other files.Skb File Hider is password protected