DSSTest Private Pilot Exam for Pocket PC 2003 - You''ll love our FAA Knowledge Exam Study Software for Pocket PC 2003! Databases for the Private, Commercial and Instrument Pilot exams are available. Now you can study for your upcoming exam anywhere you have a few spare minutes right on your handheld device!
Waiting in line at the theater, sitting down at the lunch table, in between flights at the airport, in the middle of a boring meeting... anywhere you have your Pocket PC, you could be studying for your exam!
With a rich user interface based on our best-selling DSSTest for Windows software, all of the FAA Airplane exam questions, optional on-screen figures, AND EXPLANATIONS for each incorrect answer, you''ll be able to use your unproductive time preparing for your exam anywhere you go!
DSSTest also integrates with DSSCalc Flight Computer for Pocket PC for questions that require a flight computer to solve. Launch DSSCalc with a quick tap of your stylus, when DSSCalc exits you''ll be back in DSSTest exactly where you left off, ready to answer the question! No need to skip questions which require a flight computer!
Best software-based exam study value anywhere!! For only $ 19.95, you get:
- The DSSTest software test engine for Pocket PC 2003
- a single exam database of your choice (Private, Instrument or Commercial)
- a free bonus Light Gun Signals database to help you brush up on your light signals!
Download the fully-functioning DSSTest software engine to try out the user interface using the free Light Gun Signals database to see how it works, then purchase the product to receive the actual FAA Exam database!