MicroSky is a planetarium for mobile/cell devices with Java-support and a connection to the Internet (preferably GPRS or UMTS). It is a very small J2ME-Midlet client/server application which retrieves its starcharts from the skyserver.
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SunClock SunClock- is a handy little tool to check when the sun sets and rises in your location, graphically
Solun S80 Solun - is probably the best planetarium program I have seen on any PDA. Its database contains up to 5000 stars, 150 other objects, Sun, Moon and planets. It features sky view from any city in Epoc's built-in world time database
MicroSky v3 c BT Api MicroSky is a planetarium for mobile/cell devices with Java-support and a connection to the Internet (preferably GPRS or UMTS). It is a very small J2ME-Midlet client/server application which retrieves its starcharts from the skyserver
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Other Software by developer «SkyServer»:
MicroSky v3 c BT Api MicroSky is a planetarium for mobile/cell devices with Java-support and a connection to the Internet (preferably GPRS or UMTS). It is a very small J2ME-Midlet client/server application which retrieves its starcharts from the skyserver