Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians - Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians by Martin Luther
The preparation of this edition of Luther's Commentary on Galatians was first suggested to me by Mr. P. J. Zondervan, of the firm of publishers, in March, 1937. The consultation had the twofold merit of definiteness and brevity.
"Luther is still the greatest name in Protestantism. We want you to help us publish some leading work of Luther's for the general American market.
"Will you do it?"
"I will, on one condition."
"And what is that?"
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A Treatise on Good Works A Treatise on Good Works - A Treatise on Good Works by Martin Luther
The Occasion of the Work. -- Luther did not impose himself as reformer upon the Church
Sermons to the Natural Man Sermons to the Natural Man - Sermons to the Natural Man by William G. T. Shedd
It is with a solemn feeling of responsibility that I send forth this volume of Sermons
A History of the Moravian Church A History of the Moravian Church - A History of the Moravian Church by Joseph Edmund Hutton
When an ordinary Englishman, in the course of his reading, sees mention made of Moravians, he thinks forthwith of a foreign land, a
foreign people and a foreign Church. He wonders who these Moravians may be, and wonders, as a rule, in vain
Holy Mencius Holy Mencius is a sacred text of Confucianism.
This is the english translation in Mobipocket Reader PRC format.
Mobipocket Reader is available for free download at
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Holy Zend Avesta Holy Zend Avesta is a sacred text of Zoroastrianism.
This is the english translation in Mobipocket Reader PRC format.
Mobipocket Reader is available for free download at
Steps for installing:
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Holy Quran (Mohammed Pickthall) Holy Quran (Mohammed Pickthall) is a sacred text of Islam.
This is the english translation by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall in Mobipocket Reader PRC format.
Mobipocket Reader is available for free download at
Steps for installing:
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Holy Sutta Nipata Holy Sutta Nipata is a sacred text of Buddhism.
This is the english translation in Mobipocket Reader PRC format.
Mobipocket Reader is available for free download at
Steps for installing:
» Download Mobipocket reader.
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» Copy the PRC file of the sacred text to your device
Prayer Times Pro for Mobiles Prayer Times Pro for Mobiles - Get prayer timings and Athan alerts for your local city along with Qibla direction now on Java enabled Mobile phones, Symbian OS, Palm OS, BlackBerry and Pocket PCs
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Miscellaneous Pieces Miscellaneous Pieces
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Miscellaneous Pieces Miscellaneous Pieces - How a young or shaken Christian should demean himself under the weighty thoughts of the Doctrine of the Trinity or Plurality of Persons in the eternal Godhead.
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A History of the Moravian Church A History of the Moravian Church - A History of the Moravian Church by Joseph Edmund Hutton
When an ordinary Englishman, in the course of his reading, sees mention made of Moravians, he thinks forthwith of a foreign land, a
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