Power Shade - is a simple way to change your device shade to the shade like in Android P. With this program you can create your own notification shade on the screen according to your taste and preferences. You can get access to selected options at one touch
Work log - is an application for efficient planning of your working day. This utility may be used as a shift journal. It shows the number of working hours per day, week, month. You can also find working time for any of the selected periods without days off and vacations. Overtime work is also taken into account here
Smarter time - is a powerful application for time management. It has many functions and beautiful design. This is a completely automatical time management adjustable to your needs. This is your new personal assistant - a self development tool
Hours keeper - is a useful application which will help you track amount of working hours and calculate your income. This program helps record your daily working hours for each certain client and after this calculate your income
Notisave - is an application to control notifications. You can remove notifications from the status bar and read them later, when you want this. Besides, messages read in the application will be marked unread in the messengers
Timeline - is an application for checking the history of notifications for all apps any time. With this program you can check what applications caused certain notifications in the past
QualityTime - is an application, which will allow you to control and get reports on how much time you spend for your smartphone and your favorite applications. The utility offeres a unique and deep analysis of your smartphone activity as well as separate reports on each application. You can select hourly, daily, weekly and monthly reports
Mr. Pillster - is an application for recording all medicines you and your family members should take. With its help you will never forget to take them. You can also get access to all corresponding information on any treatment
MyTherapy - is a secure application which will remind you about the necessity to have a medical procedure like taking medicine, health indicators measurement or exercising. Besides, the application saves and tracks information about your health as well as allows you to look through the reports on treatment dynamics
ClevNote - handy and fast notes any time and anywhere. With this application you can make any notes from bank bills to birthdays and all this with a handy and maximum simple interface. Moreover, in case it is needed you can make use of a system of note storage and make a backup copy of your data in order to recover it easily in the future