GalleryBook - Photo sharing made easy!
· Take Picture and Add comment to your gallery
· Share image and comment with facebook, twitter, email etc.
· View image and comment together (facebook style)
· Search gallery by comment or filename
· Search only camera or all pictures
· Sort by created date descendant
· Manage picture via Gallery (direct link to Gallery)
Like it? Share with your friends!
Supported operating systems:
Google Android 1.6, Google Android 10.x, Google Android 2.0, Google Android 2.1, Google Android 2.2, Google Android 2.3, Google Android 3.0, Google Android 3.1, Google Android 3.2, Google Android 4.0, Google Android 4.1, Google Android 4.2, Google Android 4.3, Google Android 4.4, Google Android 5.x, Google Android 6.x, Google Android 7.x, Google Android 8.x, Google Android 9.x
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